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About Me. ^_^

Hi, My characters name is: Kiko Konomi. My real name how ever is Demie L. I was born and raised in the Yukon. I lived up here for 5 or 4 years, and thn whe i was 4 or 5 years of age i moved to Bolivia because my dad had work.. I guess.... And so tht's wer i picked up my spaish.
I moved back to the Yukon after 5 or 6 years because my mom and dad broke up.... And things were going kinda bad.
So anyways... I moved to the Yukon and went to school and yada yada.. And then after being here for a few years, I was 15. Then my mom sayd that she was going to go down to a trip to Calgary for a week to go to a wedding.

I had a happy life nowhat i was back in the Yukon.. I had a boy friend.. I had many friends... Me and my mom were even going to move into a nice douplex when my mom got back from the wedding. I was going to be able to paint my room and re-model the house and everything!! I was going to hav my dream room for oce in my life!

And then i picked up my mom at the air port with her friend Kailin ( cause i can't drive yet. lol )
And then as soon as every one got out of the car, I was helping my mom get her bags... And then... right hen i was so hppy that my mom got back.. and i was about to move into my new house and bedroom.. My mom opened up her bif fat mouth and said: Demie, i have to tell you somethng! I'm so happy! Guess what it is!
And iwas like: What? What is it?
She said: We're going to moveto Calgary!!! Isn't that great?
And right then.. when my mom said that... My heart stoped. I was speachless.... i droped the bags and ran straight to my room in our old apartment... I was in so much shock.... And i was seriously in pain...
The worst thing i was thinking about in my mind was that somehow i had to tell my love that i was moving away.. 1000 miles away from im.... freaked out.
I told my mom that i was going to be sad if i were to move to Calgary and that i wasn't going to make any friends.
And on my way to Calgary a few weeks later, I cried on the plain all the way there... It was 11pm by the ime we got to my moms boyfriends house... They were all getting ready to go to bed... My mom showed me to my room... It was upstairs were all the other roms were...
I opened the door to my room and i looked at it.. Standing there... It was a very small a** yellow room... I could swear the closed was bigger than the room itself.
All i could do was cry myself to sleep that night.
After living in hell for so long ( a year ) i didn't make any friend... i WAS sad... and i hated Calgary...
So then i told my mom that i wanted to move back to the Yukon and so i did... And now i live with my best friend in the yukon, and my mom lives in Calgary.

About Me.


View All Comments

AYANAMAY Report | 07/09/2008 3:57 pm
demie play with me
AYANAMAY Report | 01/16/2008 8:34 pm
hey demie go on
AYANAMAY Report | 01/09/2008 12:27 am
lol you suck jkjk
AYANAMAY Report | 01/09/2008 12:27 am
hey demie howz u you should play on gaia
SamiPebbles Report | 07/21/2007 2:14 pm
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AYANAMAY Report | 06/27/2007 4:13 pm
well that is good il tell my mom 2 talk 2 your mom 2 c wats going on kk
AYANAMAY Report | 06/23/2007 5:27 pm
well kiko howz you ?
Weiss68 Report | 06/22/2007 10:48 pm
btw i see you want the headband... i sell it it? i have one
Weiss68 Report | 06/22/2007 10:47 pm
hello just bumping for golds...
HellSpawn247 Report | 06/22/2007 7:39 am
Hahaha nice page I'm on the top wooo !! It's nice to meet you so what's up ? And yeah I know I was like..Hm who is that ? But now I know who it is. Hehe. So how are you doin man ?



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