Kel stormrage the Repo

Kel stormrage the Repo's avatar

Last Login: 04/25/2010 2:24 pm

Registered: 06/30/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 08/30/1990


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WhinyGigi Report | 06/25/2010 1:14 pm
Luke? How are u i got hacked on my main acc so im using this one I wanna ask how's Caitlyn ANd how are U? Its been a year or so since contact lmao I forgot ur email and everything Lol Did u 2 get married and all those thing u told me about ? if u did Gratz see u around luke
DeadFag Report | 04/25/2010 1:12 pm
Well, you'll get over me and eventually i'll be one of those online gf's you despise. I dont hate you, but I just dont want to be with you nor date for quite awhile because theirs to much stuff going on and all i want to do is focus on myself and career. And it's best that i dont date. Because now I can spend less time online and focus on my family and worry about my life. So... You'll find someone else, as long as you get off your butt and search instead of being cooped up in that cave of a room of yours. You say theirs no other girl, trust me, there are, your just to lazy to look. Either way you should probably not focus on being "so alone" and focus on not being such a lazy a** and go do something with your life. Cant live with your grandmother forever... And all this grudges you hold against the world all the time should be used as LEARNING experiances, and if you hate the world so much then why dont you do something about it? And dont say you cant because EVERYONE can do something. Any way, i'm quite happy being single. Again its probably gonna be that way for quite some time... my mom was right about dating as teens. Its a pain in the a**... Any who, I wish you the best of luck in figuring things out. And this is my last msg to be honest my friends think me sending this message is a bad idea since it might cause you to harass me more and fling yourself into your depressions...but I got to let you know, theirs more to you then you give yourself. And you can do so much and be so happy. The only reason you arent is becuase your lazy and YOUR standing in the way of yourself being happy.
ShiloXWallace Report | 05/29/2009 6:41 am
Hey, thanks ^.^
MafiaXBoss Report | 01/07/2009 8:23 pm
". . ." hmmm ~pokez~ killz luke with pokeyz 1hr l8ter HOLY SHT UR NOT DEAD YET ~starez~ K.O i win *luke diez* luke AKA luke skywalker
sugar_crazed_demon Report | 12/31/2008 5:52 pm
*poke* haven't invaded your profile in a while ^^
Ginga1oo Report | 12/18/2008 7:49 pm
u know that zombie plant that u put in the contest?
Yea well what is the name of the backround thing?
MafiaXBoss Report | 12/02/2008 6:59 pm
MafiaXBoss Report | 12/02/2008 6:33 pm
XD true sowwy
MafiaXBoss Report | 12/02/2008 6:17 pm
lol i haven't talked to u on yahoo msng al0t XD
MafiaXBoss Report | 12/02/2008 6:07 pm
lol im gud


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