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BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 3:51 pm
Hey, just warning you now I'm leaving for a couple of hours, just so you don't think I'm ignoring you. Ttyl razz
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 3:36 pm
Explain away if you wish

I just try to be careful, for some reason people get offended by profanity.
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 3:28 pm
Haha maybe.

I'm sad to admit it, but if I need to be a b***h, I'm a b***h. Pardon my language if you don't speak like that, I apologize if that's the case.
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 3:24 pm
That's usually when they assume I'm drunk or they go away cause I start looking almost violently mean.
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 3:18 pm
Haha are you kidding? Those arethe best people to hang out with!
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 3:14 pm
Jeesh, I haven't had to do that since the summer when I worked day shift. You're amazing yet psycho if you do it all the time.
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 3:06 pm
Because I'm on Gaia using my Nook Color razz I'm too lazy to turn my desktop on.

Technically I've been up since about 9 am. You?
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 3:02 pm
Haha I don't think so, it's about 3 in the afternoon, I just didn't actually get active in the day until about an hour ago.
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 2:58 pm
Getting ready for the day, and yourself?
BloodWitch15 Report | 03/11/2012 2:54 pm
The Immortal Rosencroix
Ryn Kuromaru
The Oblivion Catalyst
Delia Zix
blood boy 13

In case it hasn't been made quite clear, I go by Kares here. Alright, on occasion I get "EC" as per the acronym
to "Eternal Chronicler" but quite honestly I prefer Kares. Regardless I'm getting off track.

I am a bit older than most here on Gaia (well, assuming of course most here are under 20 years of age) and have
been doing a number of things - primarily role-playing - on Gaia for a little over a year and racked up a small
number of reputations among its users in the meantime. At least in that category, I am quite often looked up to as
a Fantasy writer, and I have taken... quite some time to develop, redevelop and overdevelop an extensive list of
characters and locations tailored to what I often refer to as the "Eternal Chronicle". Someday I plan to actually
finish writing said chronicle.

Regardless, again I'm getting off track. So, behind the mask? I'm just some nut obsessed with writing and
unreality in all its forms. Avid gamer - even if I'm terrible at a number of them - and quite often optimistic
in my views regarding life and all the troubles that come with it. I have a few of my own that will go unmentioned
here in the open, and usually avoid the topic when it comes to myself.

I try what I can to be a good friend to those people who are so kind as to declare friendship in any manner with
me, even if from time to time it strains my own nerves. I'm one of those people who refuses to be told 'no' when
it comes to me offering help, but at the same time has a hard time accepting it. Again it gets a little strenuous
as a result. There is a grand total of nobody closer to me than my true friends - and sadly to say this includes
my family as well - but in turn a lot of people have been more true friends than I'd expected, and I take quite a
lot of pride in being a part of that.

Relating to anything else? I respond better to questions, so feel free to ask. Thanks much, okie bai.

There are some people that you can never
really replace, no matter how hard you try.
These are just a few.

Favorite RPC (for now):

Kimberly Sarani

Wait, what? Kares, why me!

O..kay then, can't be helped. This is the point where I
introduce myself then, right? Oh, I'm so bad at this...

Alright we'll start with the basics. I was born back in
the Blood Wars, the incredibly difficult-to-believe
offspring of Vampire and Angel (Lisa Shekai and Jon Sarani
to be specific). I won't get into the details of how my
mother survived, but either way I was abandoned on a
doorstep as a monumental monster to Vampirism, being half-
Angel. So, my father raised me for about twenty years
until he was reprimanded for raising the offspring of a
Vampire. Lovely little world we live in, no?

Anyway that was about when Kalrael found me and took me
into his home; Castle Necross. We got along fine and I
still admire him like he was more my father than my father
was, but the moment I found out he kept all the Matriarchs
(of which Lisa Shekai is one of), we grew a little

It wasn't until he showed me what he'd done during the
wars that I understood him for what he meant to be, and
at that point I really managed to find some comfort being
who and what I am. A creature of parted duality, but
definitely nothing to be afraid of from the inside.

So I stuck with him for a few more years until he made it
clear to me that I really should have moved on, at which
point I took off and started wandering Tessalona's
countryside. I can't say it wasn't frightening, but nor
can I say I was prepared at the time, either.

And over the years, I grew to learn exactly what plagued
at my caretaker's mind for his entire life.

Anyway, that's enough for me. If you want to know more
you'll have to ask me yourself. Besides, I'm always good
for a nice chat. Bye!