
kapsejs's avatar

Birthday: 06/10

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My name is Johanna, I'm 21 years old and I live in Sweden.


Uh, I'm blank. What more do you want to know? That I'm a science fiction geek, that I play too much video games, that I want to become a comic artist, that I'm a vegetarian, that I wish I had rats?

If you want to know more about me, check out my dA or tumblr instead. There you'll find more information and pretty, pretty drawings.



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xX A m a - S a m a Xx Report | 12/11/2012 11:43 pm
xX A m a - S a m a Xx
I haven't forgotten KF! I swear! Just that finals are this week. So stressed and am studying so much. I will get something up no later than this weekend. I swear! And am terribly sorry... >_>i;
xX A m a - S a m a Xx Report | 12/02/2012 1:08 pm
xX A m a - S a m a Xx
Btw. I never remember to tell you. If your avi is a Doc Oc cosplay, it's totally on point. xD
xX A m a - S a m a Xx Report | 11/18/2012 11:46 pm
xX A m a - S a m a Xx
20 characters between a total of 9 members. Not bad, I must admit! & Thanks, I know I have been asking around amongst the more gifted in Gaia's rp forum lol! Yeah, because the group is getting larger than expected, I'm going to start being extremely choosy on who I accept and what characters I accept. I don't want to let people in who aren't going to be committed and may not be up to par with our posting standards. Lol, no worries about destroying the ratio. Furi is probably going to add in Gorgon and with the Penguin present too, we'll be 10 to 12 [13, if we count the Town of Terror villain]. I actually prefer to have more male characters than female in a roleplay of this genre [too much estrogen leads to a lot of drama of a certain kind that gives me a headache lol]. I think the Penguin would be a great addition to Empire with a bar, and we definitely need more baddies!
xX A m a - S a m a Xx Report | 11/18/2012 11:05 pm
xX A m a - S a m a Xx
I just updated our list with the for sure character reserves and profiles I've gotten in, and we're up to 20! & The irony of it all? We're and equal 10:10 with males to females. I dunno when or how this happened. O_O
xX A m a - S a m a Xx Report | 07/15/2012 7:07 pm
xX A m a - S a m a Xx
It didn't say, but probably is! I just stumbled upon it while looking up Batman quotes [trying to get his mannerisms down haha]. Lol, even more reason for me to watch that one. I've heard those two were amusing. ^^
xX A m a - S a m a Xx Report | 07/09/2012 10:54 pm
xX A m a - S a m a Xx
Since you're playing Martian Manhunter, I had to tell you this one. xD

"And one other thing, I'm not sure what you are or where you come from. But my instincts tell me you're to be trusted. Make no mistake, I have a $70,000 sliver of a radioactive meteor to stop the one from Metropolis. All I need for you is a penny for a book of matches." Batman to J'onn J'onnz
xX A m a - S a m a Xx Report | 06/10/2012 5:10 pm
xX A m a - S a m a Xx
Lol, probably not.
And no worries!
Hope it's a good birthday. ^_^
xX A m a - S a m a Xx Report | 06/10/2012 3:23 pm
xX A m a - S a m a Xx
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Madame Crane Report | 05/14/2012 1:05 am
Madame Crane
I found you in Ama's DC thread.
I've already recruited her as Zatanna.
I'm Vice Captain of a DC Universe roleplaying guild.
We have 125 members. Interested?
SilentxBeautyx113 Report | 03/31/2012 1:33 pm
Thanks for the buy ^__^



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