
kaori sato's avatar

Last Login: 11/20/2019 9:19 am

Registered: 03/25/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/01/1992

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Lindsay_Whimsy on 02/24/2020


Hey, I'm Afrocat, formally Kaori Sato.

I'm a cartoonist and I like art and stuff. Reading, writing, and acting when I can and learning new things.

Here are the links to my social media:

Facebook: ( will add later)
Tiktok: Afrocat
Discord: Afrocat9218


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K y o F o o c h a Report | 08/05/2016 12:14 pm
K y o F o o c h a
Yoooo, long time no talkie. biggrin
fireangelblue Report | 02/16/2015 2:56 am
Thank you for your purchases!! xd Have a great day!! heart
K y o F o o c h a Report | 04/08/2011 11:41 pm
K y o F o o c h a
Oh, hehe. The cosplaying wasnt bad at all. We went to thrift stores and got our stuff. Easy as hell. xD
And LOL...the old miyavi videos are awesome. He's much more calm now, though.
He has been since he signed onto a more major record label.
Now he acts pretty much like a professional the whole time...not so much hyper. ^^
I saw him live in texas. It was friggin amazing.
I think there's a professional youtube video of our show. You should check it out.
I thinkit's just called "Miyavi in Texas" or something like that.
I think it's in all caps?...i dunno. xD
K y o F o o c h a Report | 04/08/2011 11:14 pm
K y o F o o c h a
Oh heck yeah!
I've cosplayed LM.C and Miyavi at anime conventions.
And a group of my friends does amazing Dir en Grey cosplays each year, and also did a Gazette one too.
You know that Maya used to be Miyavi's background guitarist, right?
He used to be known as Maya-tan. ^^
there's old pics of him like that, with blackish hair with yellow.
So cute~
K y o F o o c h a Report | 04/08/2011 10:11 pm
K y o F o o c h a
oooh. Hehe. well welcome to the Jrock scene!
We cosplayed to the video for "rock the lm.c". ^^
but yeahs..all the songs you listed are really good ones. ^^
K y o F o o c h a Report | 04/08/2011 2:16 pm
K y o F o o c h a
I saw your status a second ago.
What LM.C songs are you into?
I and a friend actually cosplayed LM.C at our local anime convention last year, hehe.
ginnieZz_0607 Report | 04/04/2011 11:13 am
Thnx 4 buyin plz buy again...
btw i lurvv ur profile!! x heart biggrin
K y o F o o c h a Report | 06/12/2010 4:26 pm
K y o F o o c h a
I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you.
As far as everything else goes, just keep your chin up and remain hopeful and happy. :3
I'm preparing for college, myself. I finally actually applied the other day and as soon as I did I got this scared feeling on the inside. xD
K y o F o o c h a Report | 06/12/2010 4:05 pm
K y o F o o c h a
Oh wow, I see. How is being 18 treating you?
And congrats with the graduation! I just got done graduating 3 weeks ago.
K y o F o o c h a Report | 06/12/2010 3:56 pm
K y o F o o c h a
Hey you!