Kairi of Destiny lsland

Kairi of Destiny lsland's avatar

Birthday: 12/17


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Hey the name is Skylar!
I love roleplaying as ~
Rinoa Heartilly : A teenager with a past and parent she would rather forget. Shes' part of a resistance group in Timber, as her father is a military captain , making a family feud. Rinoa goes to Garden, first looking for Cid, then she meets Squall Leonheart. "You are going to like me.. You are going to like me.. Did it work?" This is where they met to start off with. Squall is sent to Timber to help the Forest Owls, the resistance group which Rinoa is in. At first they disagree alot, mainly because Squall refuses to admit his feelings, or show any feelings in fact, scared he will get hurt once more. At the end of disk one, Squall takes a hit for Rinoa , (Mainly cause she moves) and is thought to be died. In the second disk , they are all in a jail , when Rinoa father calls the jail to get Rinoa, and only her out of jail , she nearly scratchs Irvines eyes out, convincing him to go back and help the others. Seifer said Edea demands to know the meaning of SeeD , but when Squall tells him its what they have always been taught to know it as, Seifer electracuts him. Irvines return to the jail, just in time because they are having a shoot out, and he still acts all cool. After Rinoa kicks him down the stairs, she notices Squall. "I knew he was alive.." she thinks before walking over to him. Irvine tells them to go upstairs, (With another party member, I usually choose Selphie.) As they have another shoot out. They find out that they are going to bomb Garden, and Selphies old one. Here, you can choose two other members to go with Selphie to the missle base. Usually Irvine and the instructor. As Rinoa, Selphie, and Squall all return to the Garden, everyone is going mad! Battles about the true owner of Garnet? Squall begins to believe everything he fights for and believes in is a lie. After finding Cid, up on the 3rd floor , you meet NORG , the one who paid for garden. This is where you find out that Cid and the socress are married, and Cid is pretty unsure of what to do, but in the end he tells you to go after her. Back with Selphie, you have to go back and forth between 3 guards, and after many buttons, you help put a missle in the place, (Only because you turn off the power) And you attempt to make a missing missle, but its' a direct hit to selphies old garden. Here is when you figure out that Garden is moveable. Selphie at the end chooses a time set and the self-destruction button, and battles a boss, only to figure out her party has no way out , and everyone thinks they are dead. After saving Balambs' town, they crash into Fishers' Harbor , FH , for short. The Mayor wants them out as soon as possible, making some of his people help fix garden, but trouble comes along. Biggs comes, and nearly kills the mayor, here is when Squall begins his emotion change. "I'm sorry Mayor , some fights can be solved with talk , but Galbadia isn't one for talking, but for battles." Then, its the robot thing that Selphies Team had distroyed, after fighting it again, Selphie and the others crawl out of it. The party is reunited! Rinoa sticks after as everyone leaves, and thanks Squall for saving the mayor, and Squall begins to blush, after Rinoa laughed lightly at his blush , before running off with the others. As Garden is fixed up , Rinoa and the others had a suprise for Squall, a musical, since he was not the captain of Garden , since Cid couldn't handle it. Rinoa appears in that white dress of hers, Irvine sat a spot for them (heh.. naughty magazine). Rinoa shoved him off the ledge, and he denied wanting to talk, so Rinoa took it the wrong way , thinking he didn't want her, so she runs off, and Squall wakes up the next morning. (Will edit more later..)

Tifa -









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