
Kairaven's avatar

Last Login: 12/14/2008 4:36 pm

Gender: Male

Location: Ccardracia (a fictional land off the cost of Zandrea)

Birthday: 12/13/1988

Occupation: Wizard, shapeshifter

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Hello, all!! My name is Kairaven. I am actually a fictional character belonging to AkaKinoko. This came about when poor AkaKinoko was up till about 4 in the morning waiting for the laundry machine on her dorm floor to be free. It was a very boring time and so she thought this would be fun to do. So that is how I came about to have my one page. I will hopefully have some images of me drawn by her at some point to put up, but she's be rather lazy lately and doesn't understand the process of making the page look really cool. (help appreciated)

So about me:
I will hopefully be in AkaKinoko's comic once, you know, she begins it. She hasn't decided what the story is just yet, but it will hopefully be soon. Right now she is working on character designs.

Full Name: Jeremy Raven
Age: 20 years old
Hair Color: White-ish silver
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 5'10''
Magic: Wizard (don't really have a wand, but it looked cool.)
From: Ccadracia

(Note from AkaKinoko: I haven't decided much about his character yet and would love to start a comic as soon as I stop being so lazy. I want to start it over Christmas break, but you never know. Plus I wont do anything with it until I get more then a few pages complete.)(I've started, but spring term for collage has just begun...so I don't know how much comic time I will have.)




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He's Mine Bwahaha