
Kaihaela's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Storybrooke, Maine.

Birthday: 10/09/1991

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.:Neptune's only daughter:.



~* ✌ *~

Hello there!
You happened to stumble across my lair of lunatic jargon.
Lucky you.

I'm Sephi. I spend most of my free time practicing belly dance, reading, drawing, gaming, and making music (and let's be honest, binge watching hulu and netflix). I'm not that interesting, but I'm content with that.

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Tysaembir Report | 10/21/2019 9:42 am
Do we still have each other on IG? I have no idea! crying crying
TheBlankCheck Report | 08/29/2016 7:58 pm
You is bae. No one else is bae. Bae for days. I spend days with bae while we spaghetti.
The whole corndog goes spaghettie.
He's back from his sweater already, he's ready, mom's spaghetty
Tysaembir Report | 04/08/2016 12:05 pm
Same here! >w<
I've been posting more on instagram, though UuU
Tysaembir Report | 04/04/2016 9:49 am
Katie! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
How are you? I've been kinda absent from here and dA these last few months sweatdrop
Princess Dragonlady Report | 03/11/2016 12:47 pm
thank u 4 buying at my store cat_smile
Starfighter34 Report | 10/08/2015 1:58 pm
I like you demon belly dancer pic and avatar or it is based on game character. heart
Militant Beasty Boy Report | 03/12/2015 6:02 pm
Keirinee Report | 12/04/2014 1:21 pm
Thank you for purchasing the item: Madam Zelle !
RustyRavine Report | 06/13/2014 4:37 pm
Thanks for buying! Nice profile, by the way.
Sebastian Killian Report | 06/12/2014 10:03 pm
Lovely Av!