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Hello, I'm Jupe. I'm a college junior, studying graphic design. I pop onto Gaia sporadically, usually not for very often. I'm fond of hosting 24-hour art auctions to get my gaia fix over and done with quickly.

If you really want to see more of me and my art, hop on over to my dA account and take a peek at my gallery.

You can also find information about cash commissioning me for art and breedables templates in my journals; feel free to PM or note me if you can't find the exact journals.

Have an awesome day. srsly.

I want this avatar zomg. http://www.tektek.org/avatar/40323521


Viewing 12 of 36 friends


Becky's junk~

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Just a place to dump my misc. breedables and avvie arts and whatnot.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Link the Legendary Savior

Report | 07/11/2011 9:13 pm

Link the Legendary Savior

TY FOR THE BUY!!!!!!! ;D!

Report | 07/11/2011 3:28 pm


thx for purchase biggrin BUY MY RED AND BLACK JOKER HAT ;D
Super Sheba

Report | 10/19/2010 2:37 pm

Super Sheba

User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image

I hope your neck gets better! Your freebies are freaking adorable. I just saw all of the ones you did and :O so fun to look at. biggrin

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Hannah Da Brave

Report | 10/15/2010 4:09 am

Hannah Da Brave

Ah, I see.
Tis still a long time before I head towards the glamorous world of college. o:
uSuk Plz Stay

Report | 10/14/2010 12:10 pm

uSuk Plz Stay

Thanks for buying
Bump Her Please
Hannah Da Brave

Report | 10/14/2010 7:22 am

Hannah Da Brave

Yay! Jupe replied!
/shot for n00bness

So how has life been? biggrin
Hannah Da Brave

Report | 10/14/2010 7:08 am

Hannah Da Brave

Hey there, Jupe!
This is hannah_da_brave from neopets. ^^
*squees and rolls around*
I meant to comment earlier, but yeah.
*goes back to squeeling and rolling*

Report | 06/23/2010 11:26 am


Hey, I think I saw some art you did on someone's siggy... if it was something you did, it was super pretty. Do you make art for gold? If so, could you tell me how much you charge?
I Like to Eat Faces

Report | 12/15/2009 6:35 pm

I Like to Eat Faces

You have to remove poptarts from the pouch first???? I never would have guessed....
Animated Beauty

Report | 10/31/2009 2:37 am

Animated Beauty

Hullo :U
You do very good arts~ I just had to say it c:


Jupe is... looking for a real job :T