about me

Hey pplz my name is Jullia. My favorite pet is a chihuahua puppy because they r just too cute. I luv to design and do music.my favorite color is blue and pink. I was actually born in Asia so I wont really understand some language that much but inside me im just like you guys. But except I really like this guy and i dont really know if he likes me or not and so my heart is full of love and his isnt. hope u guys have fun in my profile and ur more than welcome to send me a message and i promise i will answer.


this pain will never go away
and im forced to think or see you everyday
so if i was to ask you i know what the answer would be
theres no happily ever after
in this love story
The toneof your voice
or the look in your eyes
I can tell if what your sayin
is the truth or lies
I'm the only person who can see
through all of you
so why even lie
around me thats somethin you can't do
Why do people say your the
light of their day or their breath of air
cause when I think of you
nothing can compare
When I think of something different
the thought of you is what i find
so that proves it
your always on my mind
I'm lost without you
so how can you just watch me suffer
as you leave me
I ask you to light my pathway
so as my best candle will you burn your brightest
I would expect so
As I look at you and you look at me
you can't tell I see you differently
I long to talk to you everyday
but when I'm around you
I don't know what to say

When u have a broken heart, Than you r lonely


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hey ppls

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taychick1006 Report | 08/04/2009 6:27 am
copy this to 10 pro's an you get 10,000,000g, it really works, im rich
raquel g123 Report | 07/30/2009 4:38 pm
raquel g123
you b***h give cute teddy girl her account back
raquel g123 Report | 07/09/2009 3:02 pm
raquel g123
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
lik100 Report | 05/10/2009 8:39 am
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
xxxcuteangela123xxx Report | 01/19/2009 6:03 am
juliaalovve Report | 12/29/2008 3:20 pm
my name is julia toooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sillyjess_101 Report | 12/27/2008 8:09 pm
hey jullia when are we going 2 school on the 5 or 6
Exbubbix3 Report | 11/30/2008 7:17 am
hy u took my account wait were u that bunny
Exbubbix3 Report | 11/29/2008 3:53 pm
give me my stuff back i hate being poor
Exbubbix3 Report | 11/29/2008 2:23 pm
k just tell me who the heck r u

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Birthday: 04/03




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i hate you jullia and roseabell

i hate you to acung

just press the scroll down button to go down

please donate me
i dont care if you
me 200 gold

just cause your not her doesnt mean i dont like you