
Hey~..Kaichi here 'cuz u askd for me'-HappySlip hahaha^^.
Sooo...alil bout me. hmmm I'd say I'm awsome fun and I have a great personality (eww ok scratch all dat nd jus get to knw me-->thn judge lol^^)
Ino I hvnt been on for da longest time, but I'm startin to get bak into this site nd goin to jus keep it dat way for a while

July 18, 2011
Wow, now looking back on this, I can't believe I said all that stuff and spelled things so wrong-,- ^^^
Well to update from my horribly odd self, I am 17, officially a senior in high school. My biggest passion is music and my only love is my loving boyfriend, who is now a freshman in college. I love learning different instruments, they mechanism of how to use it and the way it sings as it is played. I have nothing more to say unless you ask, so don't be shy!!! biggrin