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"We are the borg, lower your sheilds and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is Futile."

About Me

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My name is Jonathon Data Skillman, and I love Science as well as Science Fiction. Astrophysics is my favorite feilds of science, and the desire to learn more science has pretty much pushed me through school. All my freetime is spent reading, playing a stratagy game, or on my computer.

I'm not the social type of person, and alot of people tell me i'm way too objective. This is mainly because i'm not good at expressing emotion, but I have been working to correct that recently.

I am a true Trekkie, and I cannot get enough of Star Trek, just the pure concept of it intrests me, and I have a few seasons in my house. My favorite rase is the Borg, I love everything about them.

Star Wars used to have my intrests, but the Prequals were not as good as they could have been. Im Empire all the way!

Some other shows I like are House m.d, which I've been watching since it came out; Firefly (Cancelled half-way through season 1!), which offers a good contrast to Star Trek for views of the future; Drive (Cancelled after six episodes!), which also incorperates one of my intrests, Street Racing.

I will read anything, and can read very fast, but Science Fiction is what hooks me most. Another of my intrests is expressed in Naruto, Ninjas, and in fact, I own two 3-sets of swords, which I never get to use. I like doing tricks, such as backflips and jumping buildings and other objects, but my fear reaction to these actions often prevents me from doing them.

My favorite computer game is Starcraft, the best stratagy game ever! I CANNOT wait untill Starcraft 2 comes out next year, it will be awsome, or so I hope.

I'm a Fencer, particurally Epee, known as the thinker's fence, and I go to a club for it, and enjoy the sport greatly.

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FoxFire3614 Report | 02/13/2009 5:18 pm
xoxmegafrostxox Report | 11/13/2008 3:44 pm
this to 1o ppl then prees f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really rocks trust me
arckangel23 Report | 10/30/2008 3:43 pm
arckangel23 Report | 10/29/2008 6:17 pm
good you
arckangel23 Report | 10/29/2008 12:37 pm
you heard correctly
FoxFire3614 Report | 10/28/2008 6:15 pm
lol so did scott. hes back on gaia and myspace as well, so pop on his pro and say hi
FoxFire3614 Report | 08/02/2008 7:40 pm
hey hey i ned to talk to u
renosammy Report | 07/06/2008 4:10 pm
hey try this out!send this comment to ten profiles then press F5 yo get 10,000 gold
FoxFire3614 Report | 06/17/2008 2:18 pm
i expect u to be on more often
FoxFire3614 Report | 06/12/2008 1:10 am