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Raycross44 Report | 06/09/2020 10:26 am
yo, you doing ok?
Raycross44 Report | 06/01/2020 12:59 pm
Just worrried about you so is Skylar
Raycross44 Report | 05/31/2020 12:19 pm
you okay?
Raycross44 Report | 05/31/2020 12:04 pm
not in mood for discord?
Raycross44 Report | 05/19/2020 10:44 am
Raycross44 Report | 05/19/2020 10:39 am
It's pretty nifty yeah?
Raycross44 Report | 05/18/2020 10:50 pm
I saw. If you ever want to reach out or talk outside of gaia that's an easy way
Raycross44 Report | 05/18/2020 11:10 am
Looks good. Nerd approved. I also had one of those oh ******** moments. Have you had this happen where you're watching videos and they keep referencing something and then you find it and immediately you think back to the stupid thing?
Raycross44 Report | 05/18/2020 11:03 am
Raycross44 Report | 05/18/2020 10:59 am
Still recommend the confidant guide.

By GeekPower

Don't bother approaching me for love. I'm not interested.