Howdy~ You should be able to guess who this is (If you can't, just read the name above the comment xP) anyhoo... If you're wondering about me, don't ask until you've read the thing on my profile labeled 'about me'. Funnily enough, it talks about me and how I am. Crazy eh? ANYWAY... that's all for now, so I'll just slink back to the hole from whence I came.
XD never been in a band, so i dont know how things like that work. i will be out of town for the next 4-5 days so Shibu (my vic capt.) will be the only one on. I encourage you to get to know him, hes been a friend for a long time.
And if you have any problems or need help with anything (RPing or on the site or anything), ill be here to answer when i get back.
idk about you but its 11:30pm here so ill be going to bed in about half an hour. I hope its not the same time where you are, because if it is your crazy to be awake right now.
haha i have a feeling you will fit in very well with me and my captain. by the way feel free to jump in the current RP. i have no idea how i am going do as far as yours. I have never had a cyber based RP before, so this should be interesting. Also you may want to put a copy of your characters bio in the character skeleton thread. there you can also see and read about our current active OC's.
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Thank you too. ^^
And thanks bro! I'm gettin closer to my dream avi!
And if you have any problems or need help with anything (RPing or on the site or anything), ill be here to answer when i get back.
idk about you but its 11:30pm here so ill be going to bed in about half an hour. I hope its not the same time where you are, because if it is your crazy to be awake right now.