
Jinzale's avatar

Birthday: 12/14


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I'm Jinzale or just Jin.
I love to roleplay and I see myself as semi literate to literate.
I do two to nine paragraphs depending what whatever you give me.
I do hetro, yaoi and at rare times yuri.


Hangout with friends
Reading manga
Playing video games
Playing with my dogs
Learning new things
Waching interesting/weird/funny videos

If there is anything else you like to know about me, just ask.
Depending on what it is, I'll answer it and probably put it on my profile. o3o



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Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/27/2013 8:39 pm
Pharaoh Misa
            This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                      User Imagelol I don't mind either. They don't bother me, and this air feels sooo delicious comin in my room. I always wanted to dance in the rain like an imbasulin (yes, that's a word: brian regan taught it to me) but pneumonia is serious.

                                                                        so listen, okay?
    Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/27/2013 5:54 pm
    Pharaoh Misa
              This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                        User ImageIts cool, and true. Parents are mean...oh and they do play danny phantom. Nick toons. 122 on optimum. They play alotta old favorites, kappa mickey, animanics...I can't watch it cause I only have basic cable but I have netflix so I saw all 52 episodes over again. And this weather is crazy. I like it when it rains buts its so fuking hot...I can't handle it.

                                                                          so listen, okay?
      Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/26/2013 8:05 am
      Pharaoh Misa
                This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                          User ImageYep, I'm a DP fangirl all the way. I even made a DP rp but it never got off...mostly myself. But yeah ill be doing the same. Hell if you're still on gaia when I set it up, ill link you. Groups take too much time and its hardly ever good. And when it is good, it dies. Thanks why I haven't joined any groups recently. I'm just waiting to either quit or for them to die. Same with the guilds. But parents are mean usually right but so mean about it.

                                                                            so listen, okay?
        Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/25/2013 5:10 pm
        Pharaoh Misa
                  This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                            User ImageI wanted to join but I know arranged marriage rps are mostly dependant on the fiance so I opted out to be headmaster's assistant. I was already using my most used chars katra and archeron kenyon and viola reira/talim yunn-sunn and I missed playing desiree (a character from danny phantom) so I decided to play her. An assistant headmaster who happens to be a genie >w<

                            Yep I'm typically a b student but that's cause I'm a lazy bum. Not trying gets me average grades and I can live with those. I surprised myself by getting bs, b+s, and b-s and a single a- this semester considering all the s**t I went throguh with my mom, my lack of studying and all the rps I've been in...but I wanna get on the honor roll (I'm a 3.0 average student and I need to at least a 3.4 gpa) and as much as I wanna do it for me, I really wanna do it to spite my mother. She yaps at the mouth too much and I wanna be smart as hell to shut her up. Which is why I'm glad alotta group rps are dying. Recently I set up a onexone search in the test forums. Once my groups die ill set it up so I can only be in 1x1s from now on.

                                                                              so listen, okay?
          Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/25/2013 2:06 pm
          Pharaoh Misa
                    This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                              User ImageThankfully it wasn't a single sentence but it damn sure wasn't enough to work with. Its an arrange marriage rp and bbecause I know people are idiots I opted out to play a genie assistant headmaster. Alotta people post too quickly, like there's this taking turns system everyone usually follows, but as soon as someone post the others jump on. The problem is is that the person I'm playing with, their post is lost between all the others. Too much going on

                              But anyways that's awesome. I don't even have my permit (thank you mother) I don't have the means to get things on my own so as usual I must rely on parents. My dad works 4 days and is off 2, then repeats and my mother who is always home insists that things must be done on her time. Its never her time...but congrazzies. I'm so jelly xD oh and I'm in mass communications with a concentration to journalism...I'm so psyched because its like I'm almost there! Woot woot!

                                                                                so listen, okay?
            Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/25/2013 10:57 am
            Pharaoh Misa
                      This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                                User ImageI've been good. Had a near miss with my mother and homelessness twice, finished my 2 year of college with good grades--bout to be a junioooooor!--still looking for a job and roleplaying. I'm quiting alotta of em against my will, wanna stay, but when new people come they post so short and quick. I post once on page 64 a day later we're on 94. I can't handle it. But its all good. Whatve you been up to?

                                                                                  so listen, okay?
              Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/24/2013 1:29 pm
              Pharaoh Misa
                        This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                                  User ImageOh gosh really? Its not that old. What was that april? Gaia is so silly. Hee. You're not the first person to return after a long while, so don't worry about it. I couldn't get to your post today, but ill get to it by the end of the week.

                                                                                    so listen, okay?
                Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/24/2013 8:54 am
                Pharaoh Misa
                          This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                                    User ImageLol, its cool. I'm typically very patient and I wait longer than any one else. If I go to the library today, ill have on up for you ^_^

                                                                                      so listen, okay?
                  Pharaoh Misa Report | 06/23/2013 7:53 pm
                  Pharaoh Misa
                            This is y our PHARAOH speaking

                                      User ImageActually no. I had gotten busy around that time with papers and what not and when I tried to stalk you I saw you hadn't been online or posting. Are you still up for the rp? Lucky you, I was going to unsubscribe in july. I wait long just in cases. And people call me crazy. So are you still for it?

                                                                                        so listen, okay?
                    Pharaoh Misa Report | 04/27/2013 7:26 am
                    Pharaoh Misa
                    Totally understood. I read your post eons ago, but I had three papers of my own and several very pressing rps. When I was ready to post I stalked you to see if you came online but your last post had been there and your aviis was the same. Now that I see an outfit change I know you're back and I give you loads of huggies! Ill post as soon as I can >w<



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