Jethryn Scott

Jethryn Scott's avatar

The details

I worked as a mercenary once.
I specialized in hunting down the things that went bump in the night.
A friend of mine had a term for them; Archfiends.

After that, I thought about going back to my hometown in Wales and spending my entire life in peaceful oblivion, rearing sheep or whatever it is people considered a relaxing career. The thing about being a mercenary is that, even after you formally cut ties with whoever it is you served under, is that you'll still be wanted. People will eventually come up to you, offer money, maybe rough up your family, all just because they want you to get something done for them. So I stayed.

Luckily, there's a lot that needs cleaning up around here. It's a cesspool for dangerous criminals, both Archfiend and human. By an incredible stroke of luck, I suddenly found myself with partners. A band of misfits, someone once called us. A group of your common mortal men with an uncommon aversion to death. So if ever you find witches conducting a mass sacrifice in your backyard, you know who to call.

"You are the cockiest and most infuriating man I have ever had the displeasure of meeting."
- Kiaravell the Black Angel

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Can't seem to throw it away

[img:dab14819d3] dogtag 2_zpsgbzoizqm.png[/img:dab14819d3][/align:dab14819d3]

Theme of an Ex-mercenary


