
My name is Cindy,
heart I'm a nice girl.. heart

Sometimes.. >3<


I have a line of people telling me I'm not good enough.
I don't need anybody's approval to just be.. ME.

Status: Currently Single ;]

I dislike people that make the cry emotion to get attention.

I'm __ year's old. You really don't need to know.
I am completely addicted to eating ramen...

I get to cut cakes when it's Feb. 1st XP

I have my 5 CLOSEST friends I could ever get!

My besties...Elena, Sarah, Chloe, Francesca, Jaeeun, Jaden~
<3 ya!

PM me if you need anything..I'm nice once you know me!


You should really get to know me!
Find me on www.facebook.com/DinosaursRwar
;] haha, love you...