I've been great and so has the band,We've been on hold for sometime, trying too fine work and getting through schoolsweatdrop but it's absolutely amazing to hear from you again!!!!!eekdramallamaarrowheart I hope everythings good on your end and i haven't really done much either,my life lately has just been on hold, writing music is all i got,,Must Achieve Greatness!!! ...moving on is what i must do and its sad too say i miss you guys you know? gaia was the thing growing up but it's not the same without the people i use to talk to but i'm thankful your still standing strong,hope to talk with you again sometime soon and i wish you the best of luck with whatever is ahead for you and i'll speak to you soon Jelly<3 byecryingI hate goodbyesrolleyes
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Instagram: v.lightmyfire.v
Just gotta power through everything! 4laugh
Dw i'm in the boat crying
so many sleepless nights cramming sweatdrop