
Hey guys! it's me Jan... I recently just joined this site. lol...i found out about this site through my friend Karen, but at first she told me the wrong site so i joined in there too. anyways..about me? hmm..i'll start by saying my fav color which is blue . I love going to the mall and shopping (except for when i'm broke!) My dream vacation place is probably Paris or Hawaii. My nicknames are jannycake (only this one person from camp calls me that), JJ, tambuching(idk what it means-my mom calls me that), and sweetie pie. I seriously LOVE funny movies!!! Yesterday i watched the superhero movie and i swear i was laughing so hard. I watched it with my brother, who is 10. I also have a sister who is 17. I really like going to the beach..i think it's the perfect place for a first date smile