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Jalling's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: England..... Blegh.

Occupation: Dirty Student.


Howdy, I'm Jordin, i'm a art student but i'm more interested in music. I freaking love the drums and on top of that i'm not really a fan of much else (Anime and Manga being the exception here). I Freaking love Bleach. Other then that i'm pretty darn boring.

ah well, Leave me something nice or i will KEEL J00!



View All Comments

Joostice Report | 07/16/2011 4:27 pm
Thanks for the purchase!
o Kiddo Report | 12/09/2009 3:29 pm
o Kiddo
your pixie for 8Ok c:
Chisame Tenshi Report | 10/26/2009 3:43 pm
Chisame Tenshi
thanks for buying
Knight_Cecil_Widowmaker Report | 09/23/2009 10:11 am
Would you be willing to make a deal for your Shibuya Nobody?
Rouge Rabbit Report | 08/10/2009 12:52 pm
Rouge Rabbit
add me bby ;p
thespirit900 Report | 06/21/2009 1:34 pm
sweet avatar bro, could you please add me
of darkness and dawn Report | 06/08/2009 2:39 pm
of darkness and dawn
can u give me the nano-c ill be in debt to u untill i repay u
wowthisisobamam Report | 05/01/2009 1:11 pm
do u do the tradin' shop thags for money??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Dr Mystic Blue Report | 12/25/2008 11:10 am
Dr Mystic Blue
Merry Christmas!!!

: D
pinky liky Report | 12/20/2008 7:15 am
pinky liky

merry x-mas

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rane the mundane

I luff joo <3.

Go Die.

b***h, please.