Hello, fellow humans, vampires, zombies and all-round gaians!I'm Jake Cupcake *bow* nice to meet-cha!
Yeah, I wear girl cloths a lot, and sometimes mak-up. I love lip gloss and eyeliner!
I hate to take pictures of myself, so you will probably very rarely see me.
My favorite quote is, "Life's just like a box of chocolates, ya never know what-cha gonna git." It is true, you know.
I'm in love with my gothic boyfriend, even if he is obsesed over black and don't like my rainbow styled attitude. He's cute though. He's about 5'0 and it's so adorable! I love him soooo much!
Another quote: "Never put your lover's name in a heart. Put it in a circle. A heart can break, but a circle goes on and on forever." I thought that was sweet ^=^
Ok, last quote *laughs*
"I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse!"
Alllllll-righty then, that's all I got. I love random comments and PMs. Not random PMs, cuz that gerts anoying, but random comments are lovely ^_^
Oh, and feel free to give me any unwanted items. Anything helps!!
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Total Value: 376,630 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Loving Heart Mood Bubble
Little Black Bat
Dark Halo
Fausto's Bottle 6th gen.
Rock Hard
White Clown Makeup
Neutral Starter Glam Guy Trousers
KoNfuZeD PiNk SHoEz
Gothic Veil
Belted Top
Pot o' Skittles
Skittles Belt
Killer_Kitten000 --Morgana's Gloves & 200g
emo-brandon-needs-a-hug -- Belted Top & Gothic Veil & Benny The Puppy
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you look hip and awsum.
long time no talk!! ;D