Jaguar Raisse

Jaguar Raisse's avatar

Registered: 11/10/2005

Gender: Male


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This is a 5' 5" long sword composed of six in a very detailed way. Together, this blade weighs 75 lbs, so is no lightweight. The six blades it is made of are:

  • Ragnarok, the base blade, which weighs 20 lbs, and is 5' 5". Can open and close in the middle from norma-carrying mode to battle mode.

  • Vorpal, the frontal blade that is 4 ft long, and weighs 15 lbs.

  • Thunder & Lightning, two twin serrated blades that are 4' 3", weigh 8 lbs each, and are linked on the longest side of the completed Illumina.

  • Kaze & Suna, two switch blades that are 2' 2" long, 3' 2" when the handle is extended, and each weigh 12 lbs. They are linked on opposited sides of Ilumina, and are the last to be locked into place when the blade is being formed.

For a picture reference of the blade and its composition, view the picture at the link below.

Picture Reference


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Rega Report | 09/24/2011 11:19 am
Rega Report | 11/09/2009 6:40 pm
good question....
Rega Report | 11/09/2009 6:39 pm
*gasps* your on!??!?! *clings to you*
Rega Report | 10/16/2009 6:17 pm
*gasp* OMG!!!!
T.T you were online and I missed it!!
Rega Report | 02/16/2009 1:03 pm
lol oh alright if you say so xD

so wasup? besides college...
Rega Report | 11/02/2008 8:23 pm
hey jaguar.... I saw you had logged on a couple weeks ago? I missed you... I wish youd come on more. I wish there was some way to talk to you more... I know youre busy all the time but sometimes I wonder if you just dont like me much. But then again, if you didnt then you wouldnt have talked to me those few times you were online. You worry me though... just come online soon... even if its just on gaia to send me a PM, let me know how youre doing at least. I havent heard from you in so long... I miss you so much.

Rega Report | 02/13/2008 12:04 pm
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *commented* <3
Raayven darkwing Report | 11/21/2007 6:08 pm
*Waves.* Haven't talked to you in awhile.
Jaguar Raisse Report | 05/30/2007 6:46 pm
I do use my brain cry
Shadow_Fox_Demon Report | 05/20/2007 12:09 pm
Might as well give it to her, you dont use it anyway.... cool

neutral btw where have you been?....
