
IxxMissxxYouxx's avatar

Last Login: 08/30/2011 7:01 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Thousand Oaks, CA

Birthday: 04/05

Occupation: student...

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Um. I'm Naomi. I go by Cat, because of my middle name- Cathryn. sweatdrop My favorite colors are black, red and blue. I write poetry and, normally, realistic fiction stories. Um. I'm pretty average. I listen to music. I go to the mall. I hang with my friends. Oh, and I'm totally SCENE. ninja Haahha. Vital information. Um. I am blonde (yes, in that stereo type way too), green grey eyes and 5"4. I love to snowboard, run and play volleyball. Um. I'm into bands like Never Shout Never, The White Stripes, Ke$ha, BEP, Avril Lavigne, All Time Low, Cage the Elephant, Eminem, Linkin Park, Five For Fighting, FTSK, My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Mumford and Sons- total hard core, rock types of music. I am a fan of He Is We, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, KSM, Neon Trees, GLEE, Jamestown Story, Hello Astronaut, Hey Monday, Christina Perri, Adele, Weatherstar, 3OH!3, too. 4laugh I'm all around an amazing person. 3nodding Um. Message me. Comment. Um. Friend me. And. Um. Yeah.(: eek


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ClarissaBhabyie Report | 04/05/2012 1:24 pm
Happy Birthday 3nodding
Official Josh Report | 07/28/2011 6:36 pm
Official Josh
Official Josh Report | 07/28/2011 6:33 pm
Official Josh
Hey, are you still making Lauren??




My bite is worse than my bark.

The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth.

Who should be blamed when a
leaf fell from a tree?
Is it the wind that blew
it away? Is it the
tree that let it go?
Or is it the leaf which
never really held on from the
very start?

No smile is more beautiful than one that has struggled through tears.

Emotional without all the emo?
Is called
being human.

Tears are words too painful for a broken heart to speak.

Don't wait
until it is too late
to tell them
that you love,
that you care,
because when they're gone,
no matter how hard,
how loud,
you scream
and cry,
they won't
be able
to hear you.

Giving up doesn't always mean
that you are weak.
Sometimes it just means
you are strong enough to let go.

I cry in the rain, so no one notices my tears

It's hard to trust someone,
when everyone you have ever
opened up your heart to,
has let you down and
pushed you away.

There is no me...without you.

I can't promise that I can solve all your problems,
but I can promise
that you wont have to go through them alone.

I can't stand the touch you give me, it makes me not want to live.
That touch just fatefully reminds me, of the lostness in my heart
and how you aren't here anymore. I don't know how to live without
you. My mouth opens, but the right words never come out. My body
moves, but it doesn't know what its doing. My hands reach out for
you, but its like they can't face that you are really gone so they tremble....
they shake. Tears fill my eyes, but they refuse to fall. Maybe its because
they know that once they start to fall they will never stop. I accept,
but i deny... the feelings. Whatever they are. All i know is that i am
scared of accepting the fact that you are gone. Gone. Every step you
take, i watch... carefully. I move slower and slower. I don't get better,
i get worse. I lose grip more and more, i feel helpless. Im in a cave,
i don't know how to get out. You were my flashlight. My life. LOST