iXx7th T3rrac3 0f LusTxXi

iXx7th T3rrac3 0f LusTxXi's avatar

Last Login: 02/06/2009 8:15 pm

Registered: 07/04/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 08/13/1990




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-You mean more to me than you think-



"We are what the holy heavens refuse to take in, and what the madness of the underworld refuse to recognize...humans live in the the fear of us, knowing the Demise and Darkness were capable of. The demons will fell the NightMare unleashed upon hell causing the new age of Terror and Fears, were all your Dreams are crushed and Sins are accounted for: Where we the dark angels creep out of the shadows into our Time of Era to finally restore whats was taking from us, whats rightfully ours. The Royal Evil Empire has begun....your Soul and Destiny are in our hands"