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Irnysian's Ramblings

A place to put my head.




Irnysian's avatar

Last Login: 02/18/2015 5:23 pm

Registered: 03/11/2005

Gender: Female

Location: London

Birthday: 12/05

Occupation: Uni Student


I have been a user at this site for a very, very long time. I have taken many breaks from this site, and I may take many more. The fact that I am online for the first time in...oh, a year and half?, does not mean I will stay. I have merely returned.

While I am here, I may as well tell you some particulars. One, I am female (duh). Two, I am twenty. Three, I am studying in London, but I am not a 'study abroad' student, I am enrolled full-time in an English university. Four, based on the previous comment, you should probably have guessed I'm not English; I'm American. I have a boyfriend, I am studying Creative Writing, I am attempting to write a book. And I will probably never leave England, which means you're reading the words of a future ex-pat (probably). Congratulations.

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Metal Gear Ginger Report | 04/10/2012 12:08 pm
Metal Gear Ginger
emotion_awesome You are correct sir!
Metal Gear Ginger Report | 04/10/2012 11:24 am
Metal Gear Ginger
Thanks for inviting me! I was actually pretty interested when you mentioned it in the RP xP
Valkereon Report | 12/05/2011 9:46 pm
Happy Birthday Girly Girl!
im_in_love1233d Report | 08/09/2011 5:33 pm
Yeah. I know I'm not done!!!
It's really a great place. And its changed a lot.
I'll have to find something else to do though. smile
im_in_love1233d Report | 07/27/2011 8:05 am
Yeah I know. I was just really busy, and then when I got on.
No one. And I was all sad. Now all my online friends have gone to their real lives.
im_in_love1233d Report | 07/08/2011 8:26 am
Yeah it's been a while since I've actually been on too!!
Valkereon Report | 02/08/2011 7:56 am
Hey heart
Haven't forgotten about me have you?
Dai Eden Report | 01/08/2011 7:26 pm
Dai Eden
Thanks. (:
Dai Eden Report | 01/08/2011 7:03 pm
Dai Eden
What's the name of that cool wand thing you have. rolleyes
Account_Removed03 Report | 12/30/2010 3:33 pm
Thanks for buying at my store.