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Irisu SArang

Irisu Sarang's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/15

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Hi. I'm not entirely sure what's supposed to go here. I enjoy drawing and music, if that means anything to you. There are a lot of other things, but I'm not gonna spend all night filling this out. ; ) If you wanna know more, just ask.

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Cranemann33 Report | 02/15/2013 3:10 pm
lol maybe not legs.. haha. how's your weekend so far?
Cranemann33 Report | 02/14/2013 11:46 am
LMAO... well, reminds me of this strange kid i knew back in grade school... apparently he wrote a paper on legs... and the moulin rouge.. he also threw in something about me liking some girl.. and him stealing her and killing me or something.. actually that last part i think was a dream he told me he had in high school... >> but yea.. needless to say, that paper landed him in the principals office for concern. lol but yea.. i haven't talked to him for ages.. he just found me on fb and sent me a link to one of his boxing fights.. i asked him why he sent me one of him losing... bad. xD
Cranemann33 Report | 02/13/2013 11:37 pm
O.o;;... and why was that? lol
Cranemann33 Report | 02/13/2013 4:57 pm
lol my abstract works kill me as well.... unless i know what i want to do.. just drawing patterns over and over bothers me..

but yea, i know where i'd like to be.. just don't know how to get there. Honestly, none of us know what's going to happen.. or how we are to get there.. its just part of life's unpredictability. you might think you're going down one path, and its right for you.. then, you'll just end up on another track which fits you a lot better. :p
Cranemann33 Report | 02/12/2013 11:12 pm
lol its cool. you could always get one of those small wooden art dolls.. or for anime fans.. just use a gundam (its got better details/joint positions).

As far as getting in so much so young, relax. lol I'm turing 26 in october, and i've graduated college back in 2010. So yea.. I STILL don't know what i want to do. honestly though.. i'm really kinda on regret about the cop thing. it sounds nice.. but if i got passed the first round back in july.. i'd have been a lot more hyped up. i should probably start applying to various business oriented jobs. the way I see it.. if i can land a nice office job that will pull in more than the police job, i'll take it. police in my county= ~46k/year. Its pretty stable, but you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get there, and there is no guarantee i'll become one unless I pass everything and stand out. :/
Cranemann33 Report | 02/12/2013 4:08 pm
nice work on the hands, they aren't easy to do. I can tell you got some talent there. cool

I'm still having issues getting more of my raw style done into the painting. my mind doesn't really grasp changing over the concepts. haha or well.. i tend to just complicate situations.. xD
Cranemann33 Report | 02/12/2013 11:58 am
lol nice. what subject matter do you typically paint? I do some acrylic work, photography, and various other things. ^^v Deviant Art <- i don't update it enough.. but yea~
Cranemann33 Report | 02/11/2013 10:03 pm
xD yea.. i got a baby face. can't believe i'll be 26 in october.. I got a business degree, but couldn't really get anything with my Entrepreneurial studies major... so, figured let's try cop. during the exam.. EVERYONE looked like they were about to kill someone. so straight-faced. lol my japanese boss told me I should start practicing "less smile face".. haha but, that's not within my nature.. i'll dance until it gets me in trouble.. xD

what kind of art do you do?
Cranemann33 Report | 02/11/2013 8:37 pm
lol nope. so, you are graduating from high school.. or college?

i graduated from college back in 2010. still have no idea what i want to do.. so, right now i'm trying to be a cop. already passed exam and interview. now, just waiting for the bg investigation, and various other tests to get into the academy. xD
Cranemann33 Report | 02/11/2013 5:20 pm
lol well, i speak the most Japanese... but, i'm not fluent.. I used to speak more Chinese (mandarin)... but, these days I just sing a popular song call "tong hua", my Korean is the basics plus the dirty. so... hello, thank you, i miss you, honorifics, can i have?, hug, kiss, i love you, want to die?, take off your pants, spread your legs, f your mother, you b^&%*$%$. lol etc.. minor spanish from high school, then used to take latin (though, its not actually spoken).

are you in school right now?
Shim Hyora
Irisu Sarang

Avatar Art By Irisrm12