What you want to take off me

Forums.... So... Boring.... Why is this even on my page?

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TranceAroundTheWorld Report | 08/03/2011 2:50 pm
i'm not sure if it was your birthday but happy birthday biggrin
T0m0y0-chan Report | 07/24/2011 11:27 pm
Hey there, Thanks so much for the nice comment on my Noctis drawing! haha I know you know it's not but I do see where you're coming from (that he kinda looks like Light)
Kamari-Inuzuka Report | 07/24/2011 4:45 pm
thanks for the comment saying my avatar is cute! i like yours, its cute too! ^^

Me and my Real Life Friends

Inubleachanimefan's avatar

Birthday: 08/01

Contact Me!!! (do it or die)

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Me, Me, and more ME!!!

heart konichiwa i love watching anime, reading manga, eating raman, playing videogames, and doing karate! Right now, Im really into digimon frontier!
Tokyopop and shounenjump r my fav manga comps! michellejapanime@gmail.com
________________- ____
_______________/__l /_l
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____/__/_______ ___i
_l _____ _______)__ ___)
Put This on Your Channel if You LOVE Wolves and
________,88P_____________ Dragons
_______d888*_______.d88P_ Unite!
____,888888888888888b.___ put this
___,8*;88888P*****7888888 on ur page
__,8;,8888*________`88888 if support
__)8e888*__________,88888 the dragons/
_,d888`___________,888888 dragon fans
,d88P`___________,8888888 vs
888*____________,88888888 the dragon
_`P___________,8888888888 haters war!
______________88888888888 i'm on
______________88*._*88888 the
______________`888b.`8888 dragon
_______________**88b.`*88 side!
¨°º¤ø„¸ DRAGONS¸„ø¤º°¨Put this on
¸„ø¤º°¨ RULE!!``°º¤ø„¸your page if
ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø you love dragons
btw, my anime boyfriend could beat up ur anime boyfriend! - Inuyasha
__♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ ♥ღ♥ღ♥
____♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥
_ ______ღ♥ღ♥ღ

10% swimmer
20% greek myth reader
30% animalgirl
40% brownie lover
60 r;awer
70% videogamer
80% tomboy
n;ime obsessed-karate girl

❤ ن٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥ﺎ ٱ❤

(¯`v´¯)Add This
.`·.¸.·´ To Your
¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)Page If You
(¸.·´(¸.·´ (.·´¸¸.·¨¯`☆ Love Someone

Kiss on the lips=I love you
Kiss on the nose=Laughter
Kiss on the cheek=Friendship
Kiss on the forehead=I comfort you
Kiss on the neck=I want you
Play around with hair=Can't live without you
Holding hands=Happiness
A hug=I care
Looking around=Hiding true feelings
Tear drops=I'm lost without you
Crying=I lost you

~F~ Paste

/´¯/-- /---// ---/¨¯
('-(---(´--(´ -¯~/'--)

occupations: anime, karate, manga, drawing, videogames
movies: inuyasha wolf's rain and ruin explorers and fullmetal alchemist, vampire knight
music: in the end, bring me to life, and tic toc; 3 days grace, video game and anime music... and anything dark...(let the bodies hit the floor, i hate everything about you, remember the name...
books:twilight saga, manga, warriors, seekers, where the mountain meets the moon

Diana Shane 1412

Hi peops!

Everyones gonna die. Its a natural part of life, but if your life has no purpose, then your dead already. -Wolf's Rain