Inoue Yuki Profile

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Inoue Yuki

Kunoichi of Sunagakure.

[Username] Inoue Yuki

[Name] Inoue Yuki


[Age] 19

[Date of Birth September

[Gender] Male with a passive skill to appear as a woman. (Undetectable)

[Height] 5'7

[Weight] 102 lbs

[Blood Type] unknown

[Physical Fitness] Correctly toned to her refined form.

[Family/Clan] Inoue Clan of the Hidden lands.

[Natural Appearance] Often in dark clothing which seem to blend in with Yuki's hair making her seem completely of one tone in color apart from her face, hands and feet being of a pale complexion. Across her eyes and on her bottom lip she adorns a dark azure blue war paint showing her clans acknowledgment of her being a Shinobi.

[Attire] Yukata, Obi, Geta, carefully placed and concealed armor along vital points of her body. Throat (which blends in with her hair and Yukata becoming unrecognizable at first sight) arms and legs as well as torso and back.

[Mentality] A quiet person who often keeps to herself. Obeys orders from her hierarchy without question almost in a puppet manner of having no self conscious about the task at hand. She cares only for herself when it comes to being in a group though she has a fond spot for those similar to herself. When she speaks its assertive yet soft in tone. Calming and alluring at the same time, the kind of person who can make you feel at home even when you're in danger. Her only act of disobedience is when the task she has been given is one of petty virtues such as..chasing a cat.

[Biography] Inoue's clan is one of mystery that even Yuki herself never tells. A tribal clan native to vast forest and natural mineral placed lands off the map the naruto fable shows. These people though tribal by visual appearance have vast knowledge of tactical warfare..and stealth. A blue stripe across the eyes and on the bottom lip indicates ones becoming of a shinobi. Yuki had spent her entire life fighting but also tricking those around her. A family long dead and gone by the time she was a mere three years of age. Taken in by a local family, each family keeping to themselves, raised as a hunter, raised to kill. The ability to use scent as a form of marking targets, areas or specific items within the combat field or in townships is often used int he Inoue clan. Their kekki genkai relates to the minerals in the lands and earth element control. They manipulate minerals within the earth to mold forms of metal all at different levels of strength depending on what they need. They can also change and effect metal around the area, warping and bending it to their own will once it has been touched physically by them. The mineral manipulation fully reflects on the earth element control which is mixed with water element control which is what is used to craft such skills. Inoue clan had mastered these two elements to make this metal and mineral manipulation their Kekki Genkai. This Kekki Genkai was so sacred to the clan over the thousands of years they resided in the forests and mineral lands a god was formed and they so strongly believe in this god the Kekki Genkai was named after it "SoJoBo" The Mountain and Forest Tengu King. This name came along through the words of history and the Inoue clan has since then followed this god to their deaths. Believing that one day the Tengu god will allow them access to live amongst him and fight along his side in the great battles the gods play their roles in. These legends have not yet been revealed in these new lands and will only come forth when necessary. As for Yuki...her history is a fable yet to be told. Ever tried to ask a feral bear where it comes from and what its done in life? It'd likely tear your face off or use you as its new chew toy. The same goes for Yuki. Her past is her past..she will tell you herself when she's ready. Yuki has one single passive skill that can never be turned off, which comes from her family line. This passive skill enables Yuki to appear as a woman when she is really a man. The skill tricks anyone into believing that she is a beautiful young woman, even her voice is feminine and this skill is undetectable unless you want to go into Yuki's pants. < w <

[Occupation] Kunoichi.

[Defining Characteristics] Yuki's defining characteristics is her sheer silence amongst the busy bee's and chirping birds. She only speaks when spoken to, or when required too given the situation. A voice of power only when weakness is looming.


[Ninja Tools]
Throwing spikes Holster attached to arms under sleeves.
Fukiya (Japanese blow gun) disguised as a walking cane.
Poison tipped darts.
Smoke bombs
Kunai and Shuriken held in holsters underneath Yukata front and on right leg at the thigh.
Exploding tags crafted on parchment paper.

[Protective Gear] Plated armor covering vitals concealed in black to match yukata and hair preventing it from being recognized at first sight.

[Custom Weapons] To be made ICly.

[Accessories] In Inoues house of residence she has many shinobi tools. Caltrop's to grappling hooks, scrolls to climbing claws for feet and hands. Attire that ranges in colors depending on occasions.

Ninja Information

[Village] Sunagakure

[Rank] Genin

[Registration ID] 67-104

[Team] Team Ozo.

Jounin: Ozo Hattori
Genin: Anak

[Academy Graduation Age] Many years back in her old village.

[Chuunin Exam Age]

[Other Rank Advancements]

[Missions Completed]



[Chakra Amount] 2/5

[Chakra Affinity/Element] Earth/Water used for Metal.

[Chakra Color] Azure blue

[Chakra Control] 3/5

[Kekkei Genkai] SoJoBo.

Ninja Capabilities


[Overall] 18.5

Known Jutsu



Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu-Earth Clone Technique
:::This technique creates a clone made of mud of the user. Since its made of mud, it can continue to reform and mold itself back to its original shape.

Doton: Doryūsō - Rising Stone Spears
:::This technique lets the user condense mud or stone, from the ground, and shape them into spikes that will protrude from the ground in order to skewer the target. The spikes cannot penetrate targets of greater density


Unknown for now. Needs training in field.


Water surface walking, Cliff climbing and Tree climbing chakra control
::: Trained to walk waters surface and flat upright surfaces using Chakra feed to the feet.

Shi no kanran no jutsu - Death viewing technique (Murderous/Killing Intent)
:::Killing Intent is simply the user giving off their pure killing intention, and having it affect their opponent and others around them[1], up to the point of paralyzing them. When the Killing Intent is particularly strong, it can even give the victim visions of their own gruesome death. This can cause the Killing Intent to be confused with a genjutsu, despite not being a jutsu at all.

Kawarimi no Jutsu - Body Substitute Skill
:::A common jutsu - used to quickly replace a body with a close by object. Creates confusing among the opponent(s) - creating a chance to escape, or return with a larger strike. Useful for avoiding attacks, and hiding from potential enemies.

Henge no jutsu- Transformation Technique
:::This technique allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. One of the most basic ninjutsu techniques.

Body Flicker Technique
::A basic technique that allows the ninja to appear and disappear suddenly, moving at high speeds to retreat or attack. The ninja often uses something to mask their movement, such as mist, sand, or leaves.

Jibaku Fuda: Kassei - Exploding Tag: Activate
:::This allows the user to set off exploding tags from a distance with Chakra

Taijutsu Inoue Clan Taijutsu arts.

Genjutsu ---

Fuinjutsu ---

Doujutsu ---

Kinjutsu ---