Indestructible Biker

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Birthday: 01/01


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At one point, Francis was employed by the shipping company Hersch but was presumably fired after assaulting a man.

Francis attempted to steal a flat-screen television two days after first Infection. When he is caught, his claim that he is a cop gathering evidence for a crime is not taken seriously. He is next shown in a bar boasting to his friends about why he is going to jail. When one of his friends reveals to him that Pennsylvania jails do not allow conjugal visits, Francis' presumed girlfriend sandra then says "better not waste anymore time" and grabs francis' arm and pulls him into the bar's back room. Francis and Sandra begin kissing in the back room when she gets sick on his vest. He almost leaves, but she convinces him to stay and then promptly bites him. She is about to attack him when Francis's paranoid friend, Duke, shoots her. Realizing that this is no ordinary flu and that most people cannot be considered human anymore, Francis realizes the possibilities of the lawlessness the outbreak has brought, and has Duke and Danny lug a jukebox to the roof where he grabs a shotgun to begin picking off Infected one by one with Duke, Danny and a few other bar mates.

Francis is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead. He is a tough biker with tattoos covering his arms and neck. His tattoos identify him as a member of "Hell's Legion," a name possibly inspired by the real-world Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club. In official media, he can usually be seen wielding either the Pump Shotgun or the Auto Shotgun.


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AYELUS Report | 03/06/2012 8:04 am
Greasy biker monkey...>:C
Left4DEAD - Zoeyy Report | 02/12/2012 1:37 pm
Left4DEAD - Zoeyy
Yush! D;
Peter Parker is Spiderman Report | 01/27/2012 7:56 pm
Peter Parker is Spiderman
Hallo there. ^o^
Level 0 Report | 01/25/2012 1:43 pm
Level 0
oki doki and im not in town right now .w. too busy whit meebo XD


"Phew, It's a good thing I'm Indestructible."