Birthday: 01/01
Juggalo Hugs - a place to find friends and such
Join the anti icp and juggalo guild
(all tos obeyed)
The Original Gaian - H8 Club and JH member
come start a war .... we dare you.......
horrorflik musick 4life
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JH IS HERE ... Taking gaia by storm
JH IS HERE ... Taking gaia by storm
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Really? running at someone saying "F*ck off" and "oh well I'm in a gang just not a juggalo one"
What is the Point?
If people did that to me I'd hate them too.
Maybe Instead of trying to prove yourself you should get to know how he feels, he ofcourse has a reason why not learn it?
Sorry 'Incognito313' If my post bothers you... that wasn't the attention.
A ******** sheep thats trying to troll like his homocrush.
Get a life and ******** off.