Donate So I Can Get Doomish Avis :D

Total Value: 492,954 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gray SKA shoes (GOT)
Gimpi 7th gen.
Jinxi's Charm (6th Gen)
Mu Plushie (GOT)
Changeling Baby Girl 5th Gen
Fremere's Guard 4th Gen.
Sunflower Picnic Sun Dress
Sailor's Mermaid Tattoo (GOT)
Red Green Dragon Bottom Tattoo (GOT)
Sailor Anchor Tattoo (GOT)
Red Heart Hairpin
Purple Reading Glasses (GOT)
Onyx Kira Kira Earring With Jewel
Light Grey And Grey Reversible Bracelets
Doomishish things People tell me:
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you would be if you saw my new one.
Your just jealous. You didn't have to say anything on my profile...but you did.
Which makes you Jealous.