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About Narugay

Sup'? I'm Hotaru. PLease please, call me Narugay. xD Anyways, Things I like:
Annoying people
Drawing (even though I suck a**)

That should give you a bit of an idea. Anyways, I love to talk. So PM me if you want. I hate random friend requests. If you don't want to talk to me, screw off. That is all.


<EMBED id=radioblog_player_0 src=http://stat.radioblogclub.com/radio.blog/skins/mini/player.swf width=180 height=23 type=application/x-shockwave-flash FlashVars="id=0&filepath=http://www.radioblogclub.com/listen?u=.8yck5WdvN3LyZmLlVmcm5CM5AjMylHawVme/Cascada - Everytime We Touch.mp3.rbs&crossfader=1&replay=1&colors=body:#CC0033;border:#330099;button:#330099;player_text:#FBFBFB;playlist_text:#999999;" bgcolor="#CC0033" [removed]="always"></EMBED>
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- Cascada Lyrics</EMBED>


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Warrrior Princess April Report | 07/27/2007 4:17 pm
Warrrior Princess April
hey, wut's up?
SunKissedSakura Report | 07/09/2007 10:58 am
apatheatre Report | 07/06/2007 4:56 pm
And thankyou. It's nice to hear that from you.
apatheatre Report | 07/06/2007 4:56 pm
Whaddaya mean torture?!
Baby Nerd Report | 07/02/2007 8:17 pm
Baby Nerd
O o
im-homestar-girl Report | 07/02/2007 1:30 am
I DONT GIVE A- crap. I managed to say crap. I'll survive.
Baby Nerd Report | 06/30/2007 2:12 pm
Baby Nerd
T T NOOOOO...if it makes you feel any better, Mitsuki had the fun of constantly torturing me with purpleness. Yachi is seriously odd.
im-homestar-girl Report | 06/22/2007 1:31 am
Nevermind. I'm sure to have a ton of fun staying with my mom. *dies*
Narutarded Report | 06/22/2007 12:21 am
HOW COULD YOU GUYS JUST LEAVE ME LIKE THIS! COME ON! You guys know I would never do this to you. *folds arms and pouts* If one person was left behind I wouldn't go. BUT YOU GUYS MUST REALLY REALLY HATE ME OR SOMETHING!! I am going to die here. While you guys get to go have fun. I will probably be stuck babysutting every freaking day while my mom ignores me, my cousin never shuts up, and my brother continues to be the biggest a*****e on the planet. I love you guys too. Now I must go crawl in a hole.
Baby Nerd Report | 06/20/2007 3:49 pm
Baby Nerd
O o Okaaayyyy...thanks for the update.
Baby Nerd
Heavy Heart And A Smile
Heavy Heart And A Smile
Baby Nerd
Warrrior Princess April

Mo, where are your pants?

Hotaru, Why are you half naked?

Akane, why aren't you pantless?

I am Bakane!!! Hotaru Loves me, despite her evilness towards me.

I am cool! Worship me! Not because I say, Because Hotaru says. ^_^
