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CupOfThee Report | 08/01/2008 10:43 pm
copy/paste this to 10 ppl then prees f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really rocks trust me
love_to_love_you_207 Report | 07/02/2008 2:12 pm
Copy /paste this to 10 ppl and the press f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really works
atekuya Report | 06/04/2008 12:00 pm
good for you
atekuya Report | 06/04/2008 11:50 am
i'm surprised your on you're possed to be at school
atekuya Report | 06/01/2008 3:40 pm
hi m i'm still made at candace
Miss Dayana Report | 05/26/2008 7:28 am
heheh User Image
Rainbow_Aberbrombie_Mania Report | 04/14/2008 6:33 pm
-Raibow Cheerio- Report | 03/19/2008 5:57 pm
do you luff meh?
Rainbow_Aberbrombie_Mania Report | 03/17/2008 5:04 pm
one of my favorite girls 

if i 0dont get this back i am obviously not

a good friend. Now, i have a game for you

this game has been played since 1977

once you reed this, you must send it to 14 of your favorite chicas within 5 days

on the fifth day male of your choice will either ask you out, or say i love you

please send this to your 14 favorite girls

it has worked for years
-Raibow Cheerio- Report | 03/17/2008 9:37 am



my cool chica

i just luv this chick