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Hi! My name is Amanda. Welcome to my profile. I am currently 23 years old and live in South Carolina. I am currently attending school for my masters full time.I have a 3.9 Gpa and plan to keep it! I am studying Accounting . I am have a beautiful daughter born August 31, 2012.

Some of my likes are music, MapleStory, Gaia Online, MY HUBBY, MySpace, FB, talking to my hubby, Chinese food, Pizza, Calamari, Kind people, Donating when I can, Helping others, The Sims, Avi Art, and of course my family <3 Some of my dislikes are liars, abusers, nubs, noobs, nibs, beggars, scammers, hackers, hypocrites, mean people <3


Viewing 12 of 463 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/01/2020 9:51 am


No life

Report | 11/23/2018 4:20 pm


Hello! smile Welcome to The Gumdrop Elves Guild! biggrin
Please, stop by our Welcome Page to introduce yourself and let us know when your special day is.
Want to find out where to go in the guild or learn about the guild staff, check out our Directory Assistance Page.
If you're in need of some items, check our Freebies and Grants Pages. In the mood for games? If so, click Guild Games For Fun or Guild Prize Games.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact any staff member and we'll do our best to help you.

Report | 04/28/2018 6:05 pm


yum_puddi Thank you for your purchase! Next time you return you will get a 5% discount! Just send a trade with the gold/plat of the whole price divided by 0.95, the trade labeled of what item you want and I will give you your item! yum_puddi

Report | 03/14/2018 6:08 am


Aw, thank you! We are so in love. He is a sweetheart. His sister loves him so much as well. Still adjusting to life as a mama to two but I will get there.hehe

Report | 12/28/2016 11:33 am


omg tysm for the gift!!! merry christmas~
Lady Sakura Shirakawa

Report | 10/08/2016 6:20 am

Lady Sakura Shirakawa


Report | 09/14/2016 6:35 pm


Thank you! I shall do my best!


Report | 09/14/2016 6:31 pm


Thank you for the Kin! emotion_hug


Report | 05/18/2016 7:22 pm


Thank you for buying 4laugh
Akame Soul

Report | 03/30/2016 12:43 pm

Akame Soul

happy birthday


heart heart heart