
iKatieAnnTurnsPink's avatar

Last Login: 06/22/2010 7:24 am

Gender: Female

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Katie Ann.
Lovely name.
I have originality and creativity.
I would absolutely love to meet people with those qualities as well.
No xxx, no smoking, no drinking.
I'm taken so please don't flirt with me.
Church, friends, and my hair are my top priorities.
I'm very nice.
I have AIM, Myspace, and IMVU.
You want them? Ask me.
I have almost no reason not to give them to you.
Did I mention I like trees?

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This is my dream avatar(:
I would love a donation<3
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katiekilla's stuff

important stuff right here =]


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iKatieAnnTurnsPink Report | 06/03/2010 2:04 pm
Oh yes ;D
Sycho Soko Report | 05/31/2010 5:58 pm
sugorcookie Report | 01/30/2010 7:39 am
i love tokio hotel that band rocks
rutilus flamma Report | 03/11/2009 12:47 pm
If you want rings i can supplie. it might take a while. if you want a ring comment me and ill try to find it (might take a while or longer depending on the rings value) ill sell it cheap to you. (not to cheap- lowest at 5000 less than lowest price on market) and i will also power up rings for you at 500 a ring (that might take a while too) if you have any questions ask me.
please send to two other people
Jac-Zilla Report | 01/04/2009 12:06 pm
thanks katie. <3

i want you to know something...
i love you. i don't want anything bad happening to you. please, just understand what my mom did is because we (megan, my mom, and i) love you so much.
ugh huh Report | 09/29/2008 6:44 pm
yeah, plus i'm moving.
so packing and stuff will keep me busy.
then traveling to lousiana.
i wont be on for a long while.
but that next monday.
a week away.

uhm, pretty tired. just chillen.
ugh huh Report | 09/26/2008 3:19 pm
oh supp, (;
sorry for the late reply.
my internet is shitty, so yeah
i will reply slow
Sycho Soko Report | 09/19/2008 11:48 am
aWzZz ChIT YuSh We GoIn To AqUaTiCa BaBeh

CaNt WaIt KaYoTiC
Sycho Soko Report | 09/03/2008 2:05 pm
lovedbutaloser Report | 09/03/2008 1:55 pm
hey long time no talk
how uz been?
