This may tell you something about me
I'm not on much, as I am back at school and have tons of homework everyday. I have a life outside of gaia where I spend my days with my friends. Anything else you want to know? PM me. I'm sick of those "It's Almost Your Friend's Birthday!" clogging up my inbox. (most of my friends have quit)~Dream Avi's~
( As of September 17th 2010)

Total Value: 2,942,379 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kuro's Induction
CoCo Kitty Plushie~~Owned
Street Fighter IV Megapack
Moira's Silver Naval Piercing~~Owned
Black Big Giant Glasses~~Owned
Rawhide Glamrock Belt~~Owned
Global Pack~~Owned
Angelic Manner~~Owned
Kottan Bell 3rd Gen~~Owned
Kodiac Grizzly Bear Slippers
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans~~Owned
Soft Black Underwear~~Owned
Demonic Anklets
Zookeeper's Jacket
I LOVE THIS ONE RIGHT NOWW!! ~wink wink~ ; )

Total Value: 5,923,026 Gold
After Exclusions: 4,344,289 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Noel's Gift 2nd Gen.
Wind Security Blanket
Kottan Bell Reunion
CoCo Kitty Plushie~~Owned
Kottan Bell 3rd Gen~~Owned
Two Turtle Doves~~Owned
Compass of Seidh
Jenny Doll
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans~~Owned
Angelic Manner~~Owned

Total Value: 5,031,857 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Submarine Capsule
Light Spirit
Demonic Anklets
Red Tennis Socks~~Owned
Street Fighter IV Megapack
Rawhide Glamrock Belt~~Owned
Wing Scout Sticker Sash~~Owned
Angelic Manner~~Owned
Kodiac Grizzly Bear Slippers
Prized Possessions
Leopard Print Bikini Bottom
Illyncia's Honor
Leopard Print Bikini Top
One item awayy!

Total Value: 2,477,007 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Love Hurts~~Owned
Rawhide Glamrock Belt~~Owned
Golden Snitch~~Owned
Kottan Bell 3rd Gen~~Owned
CoCo Kitty Plushie~~Owned
Angelic Manner~~Owned
Carlos the Alpaca
Lumberjack Secondhand Shirt~~Owned
Toasted Puft Jacket~~Owned
Cream Tam Beret~~Owned
Stupendous Strawberry~~Owned
Native American Moccasins~~Owned
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans~~Owned
the people who are cool enough for me to talk to
View All Comments
I'm glad you like it. It's the first I've ever done. :3
Hey, I said I would make this for you a while ago. Here ya go. ;D
I agree with the double rainbow picture
and I agree about the tip jars.
or rather i hope you do because i forgot how that one goes
you could write fortune cookies.
i think i might just give him an internet punch in the internet face. i dunno, it seems like a good thing to do.