
iiFwesh_ladii23's avatar

Last Login: 07/11/2009 4:27 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/04

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the crap im wearing today

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what you think it is

hey everybody!!! my name is taylor smile
i am 16 and my cousin is iiFwesh_baby
i like to meet new ppl and i luv to party
i like to drink but not too much
hmmm lets see i would say ive gotten drunk like only 2 times
(hopefully not anymore) im a very loving and caring person and im single smile so ppl send me a pm or comment and ill see what i can do
cu later everyone keep it fwesh <3


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my dream signature lolz

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my awesome comments

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sweettart170 Report | 07/11/2009 9:26 pm
i didnt make the profile my friend did she has my password and u should try spelling words right if its the whole word
iiFwesh_baby Report | 07/11/2009 4:26 pm
some one hacked you!!!
tehnerdywesel96 Report | 06/30/2009 3:31 pm
dude i'm black
Dx-PuRpLe_PaNdA-xD Report | 06/30/2009 9:17 am
Umm...27th. That's wrong. I don't know why.
x----Maxyz----x Report | 05/18/2009 11:10 am
tell her its ok lol
tell her ily k
akm170 Report | 04/18/2009 8:32 pm
akm170 Report | 04/17/2009 11:09 pm
yes and it get very agervating very and i just got back from the sock hope and alot of ppl like me there to so whats up
tehnerdywesel96 Report | 04/17/2009 9:33 pm
Umm i quiting gaia i luve you bye
hackedman32 Report | 04/17/2009 6:04 pm
tankz u =D
akm170 Report | 04/16/2009 7:59 pm
srry i that i took so long

the hot shiz

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.


dont hide....i know you were here -.-

this is just some stuff.....


this is me!!! dont hate plz

my awesome cousin!! we are so close so leave her alone unless you want her to beat your a**!

i know this is all messed up...just avoid it plz

imma a kool gurl from vegas!!! i like to party and have fun but thats not all i am....i can be a very sweet and caring girl and i can be serious and very sensitive...but i prefer the party girl :)

this is my friend right here!! she so kool <3

you just wish you could have my profile

plz dont think that im just a total jerk if you read this okay. i just think this stuff is funny lolz

i can be krazy and fun okay then i can be mean and evil so if i were you i wouldnt get on my bad side its not pretty....at all