About Me
Hello everyone, I do hope you're having a wonderful day, and if not, I'm sorry. Since people have been asking me for a about me, I'll do my best to make one, but no promise's that it'll be good.
My name is God, but you may call me what you please. My gender is of no importance, you can base me off of what you think my avi is. I could be a male, or a female, with my avi, I imagine some people having a hard time trying to figure it out. As you can tell I'm not very open about my personal life, so please, unless I tell you about it, don't ask me about it. I'll share little bits about my personal life, if I choose too.
Age... Why does everyone always have to put an age on these things? Well... For those who wish to know, I am 22 as of Feb 14, 2016. Anything else you'd like to know about me, then ask me. Don't stalk my profile to find out about me, noob.
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