My Story...
Remy Hacked This. Haha.
And not that "oh here, write something for me on my thing *gives pw"
Carly didn't log out and I went on here and she was logged in. So yupp.
Uhmm. Carly is awesome. And. Yupperzz.
I'm just here drinkin my hot cocoa.
smile mm mm good.
gel pens make me giggle.
I guess this is it.
ok so im carly and blah lets copy and paste what i wrote on myspace...
hey... I'm Carly, and my name does get boring so i have many nicknames like:I Carly, Narly-Carly, CJ, Crawly, Carls, Arlykay,Shelly
razz (and the most popular one) Cawlayyyy
so yeah I'm a bit addicted to runescape/myspace when it comes to... stuff.. idk
lots of people think I'm different, and I'm glad,cause if i wasn't, it would boring for you and I both, but I'm just glad i realized that a long time ago so i wouldn't be accused of changing, cause that's another thing i hate, when people change
but yeah i have a lot of favorite bands so yeah, there on my playlist and all over my profile... which you are reading right now... weirdo
Kimberly, Ella, and Remy are my best friends but that just means we hang,and we are like the same... i consider everyone my friend until they piss me off majorly, so yeah.
Ty makes the best stuff that gets me fat, but i love it xD
she also guilt-trips me into changing my about me section, which i just did. but, still, she deserves this little paragraph. there you go.
i can't forget Mahala, my oldest real friend I've ever had, shes just awesome and she gets me, but at a 28-year-old point of view.
pretty much all i do is waste my time on the computer, but i do own a nice bass amp, and an archery set, so yeah, i dont have much reason to slit my wrists... but that doesn't stop me!.. eh, heh... just kidding.. : /
i should stop now
yay, people actually talk to me
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