Nick: This girl. I love her, but she'll never love me.
Sally: How do you know that?
Nick: I just know it.
Sally: Don't say that. You're amazing.
Nick: I don't know what to do.
Sally: Just talk to her.
Nick: But what to speak..
Sally: Tell her how you feel.
Nick: I don't need to. She knows and shes always there for me.
Sally: I have the same problem. He wont like me unless I like him.
Nick: Wait
Who do you like?
Sally: Some important guy.
Nick: She'll never love me.
Sally: How do you know? Because she does.
Nick: How would you know?
Sally: Because who wouldnt think your amazing?
Nick: You.
Sally: Not true. I love you.
Nick: I love you too.
Sally: So are you going to talk to her?
Nick: I just did.
Sally and Nick got married and had two beautiful children. But in order to keep them alive when they were 3 years and 1 year, someone had to make a sacrifice. Sally was in the direction of the bullet until Nick had a terrible death.
Do not break this chain! If you are dating stop and the love of your life will ask you out. Tomorrow you are in luck. If you dont send this to 10 people by Thursday, you will have bad terrible luck until you do. On Friday you will be kissed by the love of your life or you can wake up every morning starting that day with scorpions in your hair. Do not break this chain!
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And its kinda wierd when rain turns to snow
When laughter turns to cry
And when a smile cuts so deep
that no blood is shown
why is it that everything meaningfull
doesnt have a meaning
the riddle that has no answer
the song without the lyrics
the holy scripts that tells you how to live
who wrote them, and how did they know
when the wind blows out the candle
a little girl cries for her angel
but why is it that for someone to hear her
she needs to breake down to pieces
why is it that we spend our entire life
searching for a purpose, in this meaningless world
why is it that we spend the present
worring about the future
and when there is no more future to look at
we wonder where our past went.