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Achlys Acharon Report | 05/08/2010 3:53 am
Achlys Acharon
yo! Long time no see! How yeah been?
Mind the Master Report | 06/30/2008 11:12 am
Mind the Master
-random glomp of luff- User Image
Achlys Acharon Report | 06/18/2008 11:47 am
Achlys Acharon
YO! It's been forever! How's my buddy Tool?
port-o-potty Report | 05/19/2008 3:42 pm

I'm totally not doing this for gold.


User Image
icila Report | 05/09/2008 1:39 pm
sweet name

i was bored and serched 4 no reason
Achlys Acharon Report | 03/22/2008 2:50 pm
Achlys Acharon
hello, remeber me?
Asuka Fae Report | 03/10/2008 5:53 pm
Asuka Fae
Hi, dang we should talk more.

I cant wait until its warm, we can go running.
port-o-potty Report | 02/02/2008 7:29 pm
*checks watch*


Is it Sparta yet?

Or are they still all on their cookie-and-tea-party break?

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mashrmom Report | 02/01/2008 5:03 pm
I'm not a barbarian. I'm king of the awsomeness

*numb by linkin plays in the background*
Crazed Beggar Woman Report | 02/01/2008 4:54 pm
Crazed Beggar Woman
That Mr. Todd fella sells pies? o.o

'ere I was thinkin' it was just his neighbor, that witch woman.


Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

About Me~

Well, it appears you've stumbled across my little corner of the internet~
...guess I should introduce myself. >A>;;
M'name's is Morgan, though a more common alias I go by would be 'Chibi'. I'm pretty much your average 14-year-old girl; pulling grades up by the skin of their teeth, rotting away infront of a computer screen, etc., though I guess there's a few features about me that set me apart from the other girls I've come to know... my friends know them pretty well, to say the least. ♥
Apparently, that cat hat of mine has become a symbol for me on /and/ offline, and yes, I do in fact own one. < 3 -loves-

Well, lessee.
I'm not exactly obsessed with the whole Gaia thing. x_e; Occasionally one of my buddies'll send me an item and I just slap it on. x3 -pets Grunnybuns- They're awesome, by the way. Angel and Shoy? Holy ********, I couldn't ask for better friends. TAT;;
Ehehe. My avatar sucks. x: Wanna help fix it? Ask me about commissions. I'm rather desperate, actually. x_e; Aoi Cache jacket is my next priority, I need a good 3k more. D| If you need samples, my deviantART account is Ghetto-Toaster. I don't update very often, always expect a surprisingly decent drawing, unlike the stuff I cram in there. :< -dies-
Interests-wise, I dunno. I'm not all THAT different from everybody else around here? I like manga and anime, for example. As do most people here.
I highly reccommend the series 'Death Note', followed by 'D. Gray Man' and maybe 'Loveless' if you're into the hardcore shounen ai genre. xDDDD; -dies- I have no idea WHY I buy it, I /must/ like it... o____o;;
In case you were wondering, I'm quite partial to the 'ska' genre of music. C': Reel Big Fish is among my top reccommendations, trust me, they grow on you. ♥
I'm currently on a bit of a Cartoon Network binge for the new show 'Chowder'. Don't knock it 'til you try it! D: You can never grow too old to enjoy a good cartoon if you ask me.

Oh, oh. Hey, hey. Before I forget. The tekteks on my page are actually my original characters. I'm a huge fan of roleplay, y'know. There's.... Tool, Bendal, Iemo, Gryph, Nyota, and Miffy on here, from what I recall. >A> I have 6 other characters, but for the most part they're secondary and unimportant. x: Interested? Drop me a PM, I'm always up for it. x3

With that in mind, I guess you're... free to leave. owo If you actually read all this, then my god, you have a shitload of free time. xD; Toodles for now~~

(And yes, I did animate the drawing here. Hey, like I said, negotiate a price with me and I'll make you one too, hehe~)

Heyhey! Self Portrait~

IBeAGhettoToaster's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/09/1993

Mind the Master
Asuka Fae
Kyyrin Shimaiyang
Goddessof Music

Check it out! C': It's my two RL buddies, Jay Squared! |D;;

You know you have too much time on your hands when you tektek your OC's. |:

My online amigos, all of whom I love very, very much. < 3~

This is the avatar I'm
currently aiming for,
btw~ ------>

I'd love you forever if you
helped me towards getting;;
- A Dark Halo
- A Chestplate of Arachne
- One of D'em GO Phone Thingies~

I know you love my hat. C':

...oh, and my sister. >w>;