
check it out i would really appreciate it.
message me if you want to pay a little less than what i already got up there, even though my items are always the cheapest (:


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I THE R00KiE I's avatar

Last Login: 01/19/2018 10:33 am

Birthday: 11/30


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Nanner Sagget Report | 10/10/2009 6:49 am
Nanner Sagget
lol luv ur avi rookie
Nanner Sagget Report | 10/10/2009 6:48 am
Nanner Sagget
pomy has been buying all my lexbox so yes i hav 1mil gold right now
Anna Gullo Report | 08/31/2009 9:45 pm
Anna Gullo
lol well nvm i'll just give u 10k for fun <3 so how have u been?
Anna Gullo Report | 08/29/2009 8:22 pm
Anna Gullo
Hey there smile long time no talk mr.rookie. And geeez, you've gotten richer since our last meeting lol im guessing you won't wanna count to 50 for another 10,000 would u lol
vzn Report | 08/06/2009 8:40 am
hmmm i guess :'( but i cant deside
CaptainMickeyBallSack Report | 08/01/2009 6:28 pm
Ok Dude Take It Like This Ok? First I Was The Pc. It was the best computer at the time making a bunch of laptops including with WindowsVista.But then the mac came in it and copied by making their version White and fatter but it was still the same thing.Buut even though the mac is Newer People still usse Pc's Such as Windows Hp And Dell Which are also new. So im the mac and your the Pc.Plus Macs Are Too Large And The Laptops They Have Are SUPER SLOWW!Trust me i had a mac.
CaptainMickeyBallSack Report | 08/01/2009 5:22 pm
well then You are CallOfDuty and im MedalOfHonor
CaptainMickeyBallSack Report | 07/31/2009 9:31 pm
but isnt it good if i copy you cuz like idk it makes you feel as if you were ya know special?like this, CallOfDuty basically copied MedalOfHonor and yet medalofhonor sued them but then again CallOfDuty Became real famouse for copying it so moost of the credit went to Medalofhonor since it actually originated there.Do you understand now?
LegendarySuperNoob Report | 07/29/2009 6:44 am
thanks for buying ^_^
CaptainMickeyBallSack Report | 07/29/2009 1:23 am
ok ok