I Is Foxy

I Is Foxy's avatar

Last Login: 04/09/2024 9:28 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/29

Recent Visitors

A_tix199 on 05/21/2024
Excision on 06/24/2023
v4hl on 10/17/2020
Daddy Inflation on 03/11/2020
SavannahMusicLover on 03/01/2020
Exhululath on 08/23/2019

Things Of My Dreams


Lil' 'bout myself

First thing's first, my name is Felicia.

yum_puddi yum_puddi

Next, my age is 18.

Finally, I'm a female and to put it bluntly I like me some eggplants.

cat_4laugh cat_4laugh

Now we have those out of the way, what about a date?

Wait, you're not here for that? Oh, I see... Well, allow me to start over.

yum_puddi yum_puddi

Hello, please be my friend? Uh, I like cooking, playing my cello, and caring for my family, my adorable little brother!! #OrphanLife... May we be friends?

Thank you kindly for your visit! I'm sorry for the misunderstanding in the beginning! Oh, I hope that we can become friends!

cat_4laugh cat_4laugh

Woahhh Chats?

View All Comments

A_tix199 Report | 05/21/2024 12:58 am
Hey thereee. how are you doing xd
Excision Report | 01/05/2020 12:15 am
Dead Antivist Report | 11/14/2015 5:59 pm
Dead Antivist
Thank you! emotion_bigheart emotion_kirakira
This is one of my favourite outfits. emotion_dowant
Dead Antivist Report | 11/03/2015 4:07 am
Dead Antivist
Awh sorry hear that. I know girls can be real bitches when it comes to just about everything really haha.
Well I hope school gets better for you and I'm always here if you need to talk. emotion_bigheart yum_puddi
Dead Antivist Report | 11/02/2015 2:39 pm
Dead Antivist
I'm good thank you. Just busy with school since it's exam time crying
How are you going with school? whee
Dead Antivist Report | 10/31/2015 12:27 am
Dead Antivist
How have you been? yum_puddi

My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


Low Key Wanna Buy Everything...

Whaaaat? This is what I look like?!

Just your average CuppyCake looking for Her Stud Muffin'~

"Pam pa ram pam pam pa ram..."

Too bad you're not my homework... If you were, you’d be hard and I could do you on my desk..