!~Thank You My Donators~!
heart ~dancing fuzz-ball~ heart
Felicia's Gloves
heart ~black ninja12~ heart
Strength Rod
heart I Love you all! heart MY DREAM AVI!!
devoted pawn
aquatica heart
western zodiac heart
elemental hair heart
cloud scream
black strapless bra heart
elegant veil
mythrill halo
currently questing cloud 4laugh Tennis season is totally in gear. I'm number 2 doubles. A step up from last year! Lost a lot though. Completely different from last year when we won everything. But that's all right, it's more challenging, and more fun! My goal is to go to state this year. Yay! French, on the other hand, is not as much fun. Who knew that learning grammar, a different language, AND history was so hard? Well it is.
Oh well, that's just a peephole into my life, hope you enjoyed it!
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