Holah, Bonjour, Konnichiwa, Guttentag, Hello!My name is Miller, but you can only call me Hippie or Rocker because one I refuse to tell you my first name unless I know you outside of pixeled on fabricated GaiaOnline. So anyway I am now a year older:,slightly embarrassed that I decided to replay on here considering I haven't been on this site since hmmm not sure when. Anyway I am a go with the flow type I'm not too sure what type of person I am anymore... Well anyhoodles.
I have one sistah, one papa mama's well you're not gonna know unless I deem you worthy. I enjoy foreign culture since Americas well its okay but I want to see the cultures and countries that made the States the way they are. My nicknames in real like are K-bug, bug, or ladybug. See ladybugs are my favorite insect and still are, I love antagonizing my sister aka bug the pooh out of her since she can be such a mother hen. I love making up stories, currently in love with werewolves and generally any other type of tales I generally write fantasy not sci-fi.
If ya want to know more about me just add me as a friend either that or just message me, comment etc.
Sincerely currently named avatar,
Iam me not U42

i adopted a Vocaloid!
NAME: Meiko
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