
Hey my name is Derek,
my brother Jared is on my profile if you wanna check him out. He is a pain but you gotta love him :3
Uh and as you can tell I kinda like cats, I dont know what it is but they make me happy.... I know that sounds pretty weird but it is true :T


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MissWindow Report | 06/25/2011 6:54 pm
hi i didn't see u in a while i hope u r very happy
Captain Casper Reeves Report | 03/01/2011 6:19 pm
Captain Casper Reeves
Silent Hill was an alright movie. It's probably what started me on the games anyways, which I love to death. I just wish they would have stayed closer with the actual story and mythology of the games. Visually it captured Silent Hill very well, at least.

Have you ever seen Jacob's Ladder? It's kind of a mind twist of a movie, but I really enjoyed the ride of it. Inspired the Silent Hill series too.
Captain Casper Reeves Report | 03/01/2011 3:48 pm
Captain Casper Reeves
Second one was ok? I dunno. Don't really feel like giving it a chance after the first. As for Friday the 13th movies, I was never really into them to begin with. I imagine the remake with just be an hour or so of stupid teenagers having sex and then being cut up by Jason. Or maybe they'll actually play it true to the original and have his mother as the killer, but I doubt that.
Captain Casper Reeves Report | 02/28/2011 5:20 pm
Captain Casper Reeves
The remake of the original? No, but I heard less than favorable reactions from all over the place. I didn't have high hopes for it either when I looked into who was running the show.

I'd still like to see it eventually. It can't be worse than what Rob Zombie did with the Halloween remake.
Captain Casper Reeves Report | 02/27/2011 10:30 pm
Captain Casper Reeves
I see you have some Freddy Kruger in the background. I too enjoy me some Nightmare On Elm Streets.
crazyfashionista143 Report | 01/09/2011 12:37 pm
kewl pro!! luv cats 2!! but nawt az much az u do-hehe! xd
xx_ thai tea _xx Report | 11/14/2010 5:58 pm
xx_ thai tea _xx
im good havent seen you in a while wink
she_belived Report | 11/08/2010 5:01 pm
may i ask why?
XxNana_chunxX Report | 11/08/2010 6:50 am
XxNana_chunxX Report | 11/07/2010 9:56 pm
lolz awwwwww thx

my music

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Experimental Jared

This is my bro