hot hell demon

hot hell demon's avatar

Birthday: 09/02


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Hollywood Undead, Lady Gaga, Skateboarding, Snakebite piercings, friends, Donald Duck.....

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About me

Hi,I'm Amanda a.k.a Panda.Yes, I am a girl even though my avatar is a boy...Florida living...I'm 14 and I have blonde hair.I hate how people think blondes are stupid,yeah I do have "blonde moments",but still I'm not THAT stupid.I am perverted,I can turn almost any sentence into a perverted one.I love creeping people out and scaring people.When in creep people out its just for laughs of course I'm usually never serious.I love cheese and beef jerky and together they are sooooooo gooodd,(creeping mode)it makes me h0rny wink My thoughts are very strange so if somehow people could read my mind they would probably kill their selves because of what I think about...not only perverted but other things...

I don't have many friends in real life but I really don't care cause my only friend is the best one anyone could ever find.I do have "friends" but if they die i really truly don't give a f*ck.I love spongebob(the show) and my favorite is Patrick.I also watch Tosh.o and Southpark.I also love Tom and Jerry and Loony Tunes.Tweety bird is my idol in that show.

My favorite music is Blackanal Veilanal Brideanal,Avenged Sevenfold,Asking Alexandria,Eyes set to kill,Wiz Khalifa,Kid Cudi,Jake Wolf,Hollywood Undead,John Mayer,Rolling Stones,Van Halen,Steve Miller Band,Green Day,Breaking Benjamin,Nickelback,Lynrd Skynrd,Deep Purple,Kid Rock,Aerosmith,Jimmy Hendrix,Pink Floyd,ETC.

I would give up the internet just to go live in the 60s.They always seem like they have more fun and american's arent as fat...But the music is what I would be in for.

I have had a coughing problem...and it has nothing to do with disease.I skateboard,my skateboard right now is a Zero "school sucks" board with speed demon trucks,bearing,and wheels.I only can do an ollie right now.

I have a pool but I really don't care for swimming in it.I cant wait till im old enough to drive because then I can party.If I was able to right now I would always be out partying.I love acting but I suck,and I mean SUCK, at acting at school because I am shy.When Im home alone I will change my voice and act like a different person throughout the whole day.

I have spent over $2000 in my lifetime and that's a fact.If I hit into something I will say ow even though it didn't hurt at all it just scared me.I relate to this...I can watch scary movies and never get scared but when the toast pops out of the toaster I will scream on top of my lungs and almost pee my pants.

I cant think anymore so this as much as you know about me unless you stalk me or talk to me.If I feel like it I will update it...


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firestar4ever90 Report | 08/21/2011 1:10 am
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works!!!!!!!!!
black ninja kanaka Report | 10/21/2010 11:03 am
black ninja kanaka
Thank you for buying *bow* please come again
xx-Ang3lCat-xx Report | 09/23/2010 2:41 pm


1 People are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want it to be true; or they're afraid it's true.
2 The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.
3 Passion rules reason, For better or for worse
4 There is magic in sincere forgiveness; in the forgiveness you give, but more so in the forgiveness you receive.
5 Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.
6 The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason.
7 Life is the future, not the past.
8 Deserve Victory.
Explanation: "Be justified in your convictions. Be completely committed. Earn what you want and need rather than waiting
for others to give you what you desire."
9 A contradiction can not exist in reality. Not in part, nor in whole.
10 Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self.
11 One must always seek the truth in life for themselves, rather than simply believing that which they are told without
their own rational understanding and justification for that belief. Failure to do so can lead to a life of clinging to
empty promises and following trails of false hope. The knowledge gained through seeking the truth, if used for the
purposes of good, is the key to enjoying life to its fullest.
Those who use the truth for hate however, only betray themselves.
12 learn from history or repeat it those are the options
13 to gain something of equal value must be lost

Abortion is wrong

Month One

I am only 4 inches long,
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two

Today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me,
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home, though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three

You know what, Mommy?
I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad, too,
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.

Month Four

my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine,
but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it, too.

Month Five

You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a baby.
I am a baby, Mommy... your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what's abortion?

Month Six

I can hear that doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!
Mommy! HELP me!

Month Seven

I am okay.
I am in Jesus' arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me, Mommy?

Every Abortion Is Just . . .

One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.

If you're against abortion, put this in your profile

No means NO!!:

Guy:"Lets have sex right now."

Girl: "Can we do what?"

Guy: "You know, can I be your first, finally?"

Girl: ""

Guy: "Why?"

Girl: "Because, 1. you have a girlfriend, who happens to be my friend......."

Guy: "So, if you don't tell, I won't tell."

Girl: "Besides that, I'm waiting for someone special. Someone that I want to be with for the rest of my life to be my first."

Guy: "I'm not special to you?"

Girl: "You're my friend. That's all."

Guy: looks forward and keeps driving.

5 minutes pass.......

Guy: starts to run his hand up the girl's thigh.

Girl: moves his hand, "Don't touch me.".

Guy: tries to kiss her.

Girl: screams, "Would you stop."

Guy: continues trying.

Girl: moves to the back seat

Guy: parks on an abandoned street and gets in the backseat with the girl. Starts to kiss her.

Girl: pushes him off and scoots over, "Please, don't do this."

Guy: "Don't do what, I know you want it, I can see it in your eyes." Moves over to her and starts to unbutton her pants.

Girl: pushes him harder and says, "No, don't."

Guy: getting aggravated, punches her and tells her to stop "playing hard to get".

Girl: crying, continues to fight.

Guy: punches her harder, pulls her pants off, and holds her down.

Girl: screams as he penetrates her, "NO, please don't do this to me!"

Guy: puts his hand over her mouth.

An hour passes.........

Guy: pulls back and wipes himself off.

Girl: sits on the corner of the seat, crying.

Guy: looks at her and says, "You better not tell anybody about this. If you're really my friend, you won't tell anybody about this. You know I love you." He reaches out his hand to touch her cheek.

Girl: pulls back, "Just take me home, now."

Guy: says, "Alright." Gets in the front seat and drives her home.

2 months later.........

Girl: "Doctor, what's wrong with me. I haven't had my time of the month in 2 months."

Doctor: looks at her, "You haven't been having your "time" for a reason."

Girl: looks at him and says, "Why?" dreading the answer that she was sure to receive.

Doctor: "You are pregnant."

Girl: faints.

The story gets out that she is pregnant, and people start looking to the Guy. He claims that it isn't his because she was sleeping with every guy in the school(which was a lie). He goes to her and tells her, "I'm telling you, if you lie to people and say that I raped you, I'll kill you."
The Girl is completely devastated. First, he took her virginity and got her pregnant....then he lied about it. So completely depressed......the girl commits suicide by drug overdose.......

Girls, if this story touched you, forward it as "No means no a*****e"

Guys, if this story pisses you off, forward it as "I'll kill any ******** who does this to my girl or any girl"

the way I see it if you open and read this and DON"T forward this you must be for rape

True american hero:
You stay up for 16 hours.He stays up for days on end.You take a warm shower to help you wake up.He goes weeks without running water.You complain of a 'headache' and call in sick.He gets shot at as other are hit,and keeps moving forward.You talk trash about your buddies that aren't with you.He knows he may never see any of his ever again.You complain about how hot it is.He wears his heavy gear,not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his forehead.You get mad at the waiter for getting your order wrong.He doesn't get to eat today.Your mad that your class got held 5 minutes over.He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.You roll your eyes when your baby cries.He gets a letter with pictures of his new baby,and wonders if they'll ever meet.If you dont forward this we will just see how conceited you really are. Just fwd if your supporting the troops!!

for those of you out there who are soldiers like me repost this cuz you know wat its like guys and girls.

girl i respect you if you respect yourself:

STOP IT...Not every tagged girl is a slut looking for some kinky fun.... some of us actually want to meet new people and be FRIENDS...!!!

I am sick and tired of being asked for naked pictures of myself...!!!

And to all those young tagged girls (15 under) out there who keep posting naked pictures of themselves on the pages...STOP!!!

Boys will respect you if you respect act like a slut you will be treated like one...

Not every chick on here is a slut...OKAY!!!

If You Agree

Boys post as: "Girl, I respect you if you respect yourself!"

Girls post as: For guys out there who come on tagged wanting to ******** some chick or to get you hard
hell hound demon22