Hondon Reahaan

Hondon Reahaan's avatar

Last Login: 07/04/2012 4:19 pm

Birthday: 04/02


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his name is Stefan but you can call him what ever you want he is 17 and lives in Ottawa Ontario ......And at the moment has nothing to say about him self maybe later
ADD me if you want to talk---

. Te quiero mucho Ren-Emren .

from here on was no longer me i was hacked and told i was not aloud to change it back...oh well

I <3 you Stefie

My sexy Polish beast

Haha hacked again



awehz, i hacked you x]

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Stefan dear, ilu more than my lips, my eyes ... even my own life! ;o
You're such a sexy beast and would look amazingly hot in yellow cross guarders x3

OMG ... just so you know. If there wasn't all that complicated back story, this would totally be us:....

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Hot? Absolutely. When it comes to us, there are

. no limits .


View All Comments

leeloh Report | 07/04/2012 4:58 pm
            UR A f**.
leeloh Report | 02/18/2011 8:36 pm
        no son!
White Scarlet Rose Report | 01/01/2011 2:15 pm
White Scarlet Rose
heyy, stefan or hondon, watever u wanna b called. i haven't talked 2 u in a while, how r u?
lauren e13 Report | 10/11/2010 3:56 pm
lauren e13
I figured as much. The persona's who I'm excited to see ;]
lauren e13 Report | 10/11/2010 3:44 pm
lauren e13
You're online!
For the first time in years a long time.
allegoresis Report | 05/11/2010 7:08 pm
you'll never guess who i saw today.
leeloh Report | 05/02/2010 10:00 pm
nattaquer Report | 03/24/2010 4:41 pm
      Go blow me.
      Besides, I'm not the one who took your s**t.
      I may be leeloh's little b***h, but I'm not yours.

leeloh Report | 01/01/2010 12:24 am
        well what did you expect me to do ?
        just let myself get toppled over by a ******** drenched-in-sweat-guy ?
        dude , i had to get away , or i'd get killed .
        it was self-defense !

        lol , i had the same happen to me .
        and at least , you didn't almost take out both ,
        the lead singer , or the saxophonist !
        dude , that was embarassing .

        but you're right .
        it was ******** awesome .
        the good ole' days , back when devlin had balls
        and believed in good old SKA .

        the stupid douche bag .
leeloh Report | 01/01/2010 12:15 am
        oh and i totally love being attacked by shirtless ,
        ecstasy-high boys . . .
        oh god , he was so slippery .
        so hard to get away !
        i slipped on him so many times , and then someone stole my shoe and i had to go around the skank-pit to try and find it .
        not to mention , i almost took out josh , twice .
        gah , SKA shows are most definitely violent .
        whoever said you don't mosh at SKA shows was ******** high .