HIGH on cough sweets

HIGH on cough sweets's avatar

Last Login: 11/01/2018 11:14 am

Birthday: 04/20


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Lovely Art Is Lovely.

Because everyone needs a place to store away all their beautiful avi art. (:



Lists are fun, so have an ‘ABOUT ME LIST’. Also as I know nobody wishes for a long list I will keep this short.

• I do not accept random friend requests. I like my friend list kept as only those I speak to.
• I do like random comments and PM’s though. So long as you’re not begging for gold or something of the kind.
• I mostly roleplay on Gaia. I love random requests.
• I’ll join groups or I’ll do a oneXone with you.
• Here is my search thread if you want to take a look. It’s permanent because it’s what the cool kids do.
• I’m one of those people who like Twitter and Tumblr. This is shameless promotion by linking you to mine but you know you want to click the links.
• My avatar does reflect my gender: I am female.
• My age is not important but so that you’re aware I am not some thirteen year old.
• I like to compliment nice avatars. Nearly every day I will tell someone I like their avatar as I like to dish out random compliments to people. Should this be you – and that is why you’re reading this – I hope I made your day.
• Also this list sucks so if you actually read it well done and thank you. (:

My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


Roleplay To-Do List.



View All Comments

sing you cinnamon rolls Report | 05/02/2016 6:58 pm
Maybe next time! xD
sing you cinnamon rolls Report | 05/02/2016 6:41 pm
Loving the avi c:
fcuk_its_meggie Report | 05/01/2016 3:12 am
cool avi
Queen Guu Report | 03/24/2016 6:48 pm
redface heart
sing you cinnamon rolls Report | 12/23/2015 3:29 pm
Thanks so much <3 I loved the present <3
LIFE AL3RT Report | 10/11/2015 5:21 pm
User Image
xXx Jackel xXx Report | 07/29/2015 3:16 pm
Thank you
jefukadasai Report | 07/14/2015 8:04 pm
thanks, I'm still working on it though...
A Redhead Angel Report | 06/15/2015 6:50 pm
Aww, thank you. heart
Jamais Changeant Report | 06/12/2015 2:48 pm
Thank you!