
Hiak0's avatar


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Im Hiak0, or if you will Grimly Fiendish
This, is my profile.

Because your on here, you probably wish to know something about me. There isn't anything interesting, Im 16, live in England, I like to learn, I act, I discuss, Im Bisexual. I like to work things out. I Love Music and Art of all kind.

I don't know what else really, if you wanna chat, just leave a PM or a Comment.


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MisxXeroSiete Report | 03/02/2010 2:13 pm
Happy Bday!
catchmeoncloud9 Report | 10/17/2009 4:11 pm
why thank you :]..
the red fog is from Carol of Ol' Nick 3rd Gen..
your avi is cool too btw!
Ransom3d Report | 10/07/2009 4:05 pm
It's cool, I'm just going to have to look it up I guess.
Ransom3d Report | 10/07/2009 3:10 pm
Kind of, I tend to get bruises if I happen to inject in the same area so I'm planning to get an insulin pump later. Do you know if insulin pumps measure your blood sugar or do you have to measure it then put your blood sugar readings in the pump?
Ransom3d Report | 10/06/2009 8:06 pm
A or B? I have type 1 diabetes and I guess it relates to genetics and randomness. I can't gurantee you of what I'm about to say, but sometimes your own immune system can mistaken your organs as "outsiders" and it attacks itself in it's own accord.
Type 2 is more related with genetics, and obesity. If apparently you were found with symptoms relate with type 2, there could be a chance you could produce insulin for energy for your body; you just have to take care of yourself though.
Kahteauh Report | 10/06/2009 5:42 pm
The concerts are on december 11th and 12th
And oh, fairs are fun! Haha. But it would definetly suck
if it rained
And whats a Flash project?
Ransom3d Report | 10/05/2009 8:11 pm
I have diabetes and apparently haven't called my doctor lately due to no homephone neutral
The reason to that is my dad is trying to "save" money and my dad also took the unlimited talk with cellphones and it just makes the bill rise more than it normally been. Even if I try to suggest better ideas he ends up saying I'm just talking back and whatnot.
Kahteauh Report | 10/05/2009 6:14 pm
breathe carolina
And california is great
: )
hows.. england right?
and im getting watercolor pencils, colored pencils, 2 new drawing pads
and finally a drawing table
Kahteauh Report | 10/05/2009 4:52 pm
Uhmm, well now I might be going to 2 concerts
And I actually live in California but I hope to move to Seattle
Im getting new art supplies soon so that makes me happy
Kahteauh Report | 10/05/2009 4:39 pm
life is good actually
Haha, what about yours?
